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Re: [Full-Disclosure] AMDPatchB & InstallStub

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 09:05:33PM +0200, Michael Linke wrote:
> This program is trying to get Internet Access while starting.
> amdpatchB.exe is connecting
> There is a text based protocol running on at a service on port
> 9900.
> See Telnet output:
> ________________________________________________________
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname

This is an IRC server.  It looks like your machine is now part of some kind
of bot network.  Any indication of how the machine was compromised?

ωνω [local users on irc(3240)] 100%
ωνω [global users on irc(3236)] 100%
ωνω [invisible users on irc(4)] 0%
ωνω [ircops on irc(3)] 0%
ωνω [total users on irc(3240)]
ωνω [unknown connections(8)]
ωνω [total servers on irc(1)] (avg. 3240 users per server)
ωνω [total channels created(7)] (avg. 462 users per channel)

Channel      Users   Topic                                   
#use             3                                           
#yes2            1                                           
#a            2217                                           
#amernnq        32                                           
#abcdefg        32                                           
#proxy           2                                           

#a has bunch of clients with random names:

[ eifefs    ] [ ssdbw     ] [ luwbx     ] [ niiopk    ] [ iuuvcr    ] 
[ wkmcyh    ] [ hxsdxj    ] [ dwyfe     ] [ mmfok     ] [ hiqhn     ] 
[ guiq      ] [ ijgym     ] [ dyhvq     ] [ wyuo      ] [ lwyo      ] 
[ deii      ] [ mlosw     ] [ lpmblg    ] [ jfybwz    ] [ czyna     ] 
[ ptyqm     ] [ gbxn      ] [ eqpabg    ] [ jqmk      ] [ klnzuu    ] 

And random idents:

#a         nefgg      H   ituko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (nefgg)
#a         fywu       H   xsjt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (fywu)
#a         dmwt       H   yfgjm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (dmwt)
#a         dggssb     H   iupvqu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (dggssb)
#a         zaovrf     H   sncbi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#a         jlhiqz     H   wmnxy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (jlhiqz)
#a         fqpb       H   oernsholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (fqpb)
#a         myuckz     H   nrne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hope this helps.

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