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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Verisign abusing .COM/.NET monopoly, BIND releases new


Rainer Gerhards wrote:
I think they have underestimated the number
of typos and as such under-powered the machine. A good indication is the
single IP (even though that eventually is a reverse proxy).

I agree.

As a side note: could it be possible to DoS name servers by querying tons of non-existant .net domains? As example, if several users of a DSL provider try to query random and thus most probably non-existing .net domains that now all deliver the afore mentioned IP as result, could it be possible to bring the DNS servers down? I guess not, because those servers should be able to throw away old queries in case a configured memory limit is reached. On the other hand this could cause additional traffic and slower responses for other customers as valid DNS entries have to be re-queried from the DNS-uplinks. Am I right with this?

Bye, Mike

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