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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Verisign abusing .COM/.NET monopoly, BIND releases new

> Actually I figured out how to use it to my advantage. I query "." which 
> is my own DNS server of course as a ip4r blacklist and if the IP for 
> verisign's site is returned then I give the spam a very high score. Any 
> domain that doesn't exist would fail this, but any other domain would 
> not return that IP, but rather the proper IP.  I'm still pissed at 
> Verisign, but I always try to turn a problem in to an opportunity so 
> now I'm using their greed to block spam.

Hey, here's another example.  Since they list other urls that
you may have wanted, it's a good way to find similar existing
domains, without you ever issuing your own whois/etc queries.

And I like the irony of them performing the service for you.

Brian Hatch                  "Strategic analysts in Earthdome
   Systems and                have indicated they don't know
   Security Engineer          who this new race might be, but
http://www.ifokr.org/bri/     promise to find out."

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