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Re: [Full-Disclosure] ID tags in rental / high-priced retail suits? (was: Admin
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] ID tags in rental / high-priced retail suits? (was: Admin
- From: l8km7gr02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:42:46 -0400
If it is any conciliation, an IBM rep stated to me in a meeting about
wireless that they are working on a similar project for Wal-Mart and
SAMS Club for inventory check-in purposes. This was a few weeks ago.
He also mentioned the bit about the dry cleaning houses and tracking
which uniforms should be replaced after so many trips to the dry
cleaner. It is true as far as I'm concerned. I see no reason what the
representative would have to gain by lying about it. This is cutting
edge technology that is just coming to surface.
Good morning Chad,
I wholeheartedly agree that the technology exists and that there are
implementations in the works all over the place -- I just want to make
sure that we stick to reality. When we have places like Sam's Club and
parent Wal-Mart who really are prepared to field test RFID technology,
it dilutes the issue to say that, "this has been going on for over 5
years already in one of the largest high-street retailers".
I don't blame the previous poster for wanting to come across as a guy
'in the know'. This list does not benefit from lore-reported-as-fact,
This is Full-Disclosure, was it unreasonable to ask the original author
to disclose? :)
take care,
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