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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Internet explorer 6 on windows XP allows exection of arbitrary code (Demonstration Exploit Warning)

on my system mediaplayer is a protected file much like notepad.exe or 
telnet.exe are, wich means that when you delete or overwrite them they get 
put back by the system.  I am just invoking it really quick. maybe they added 
this behaviour in wmp9 and on wmp8 the changes are permanent in wich case the 
changes would be permanent and you'd have a broken mediaplayer. If this is 
true I apologize

anyway i'll put up links to backup copies on my site when I have the time just 
in case


On Saturday 13 September 2003 15:22, S G Masood wrote:
> Hi,
> Jelmer probably forgot to mention this about the
> demonstration exploit[1] in his advisory[2]: Back up
> "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe"
> before using the exploit as the exploit replaces the
> original wmplayer.exe(main WMP executable) with the
> dropped file(also named wmplayer.exe). After
> exploitation, the dropped wmplayer.exe can be deleted
> and the backed-up, original version replaced.
> If this is not done, the existing installation of
> Windows Media Player will be damaged and will have to
> be reinstalled. And, ofcourse, since the exploit
> depends on replacing the WMP executable, it will not
> work if Media Player is running. Test the exploit
> while Media Player is not running.
> Tested here successfully with Win2kSP0 IE6 WMP9.
> [1]Exploit ->
> http://ip3e83566f.speed.planet.nl/hacked-by-chinese/5.htm
> [2]http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/337285
> --
> Regards,
> S.G.Masood
> Hyderabad,
> India.
> --
> `You don't believe in me,' observed the Ghost.`Why do
> you doubt your senses?'
> `Because,' said Scrooge, `a little thing affects them.
> A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats.
> You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of
> mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone
> potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you,
> whatever you are!'
> -Charles Dickens in `A Christmas Carol'
> --
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