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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Strange Code...found in a Website...anyone who knows what this is? - [MODERATED]

Battle.net Cryptanalysis

WARNING: We are not responsible for persons that continue reading this bulletin 
who do not possess the appropriate security clearance. Please see U.S. 
Government Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information" for more 

We had received an advanced notification of the encrypted text from SANS, CERT, 
and DoD, but unfortunately someone posted to Full-Disclosure before the 
findings could be completed. Below is a step-by-step review of our analysis to 
date, performed over the last 48 hrs:

1) HTML steganography

The data structure appears to not match any common patterns in the FBI digital 
watermarking database. This implies an unknown origin or some sort of 
extra-processtual manipulation. Due to UCITA and the DMCA, it was difficult to 
analyze the precise HTML in its original format. Only after a kernel debugger 
was connected via a serial console to a Windows 95 workstation were we able to 
uncover some of the commonalities in this sequence. This was our starting point.

Reference: http://tech.millto.net/~morry/kdebug/

2) Payload extraction

Obviously, we're dealing with a highly specialized encoding devices, as the 
protocol headers were not even marginalized in an ISO-compliant manner 
(seriously!). Clearly, "@", "(", "#", "%", "*", and similar characters are 
delimiters for this payload.

Our team cursorily identified two major data representation groups in the 
message, apparently repeated for obscurity:

        Data A) JLKZXJLKD


3) ROT13 cipher attack

As is typical for high security data transmissions, a lesser-known Red Herring 
technique was tossed into the mix:


NOTE: In order to filter out potentially malicious individuals from using this 
information against the country in a way that could mitigate our national 
defense systems, I've left the interepretation as an exercise to the AUTHORIZED 
readers. (Though it may seem obvious to the cryptographers among you, a case 
study published in 1997 by the National Steganographic Society found that 
individuals who identified themselves as "IT savvy" were increasingly unable to 
produce any compelling evidence after ROT13 analysis). 

(For those of you still with us... keep reading!)

4) Chinese Remainders

After hours of dead-ends, we began looking at the message in raw form by 
acquiring a bridge tap lock on the serial null modem cable. It is especially 
lucky that we decided to serialize the data, as the observations began to 
concisely abstractificate into increasingly contextual form.

Specifically, we were seeing 0x23 and 0x54 appearing in rapid succession in 
between the ASCII milestones. What we normally would've dismissed as "random 
noise", actually had a detectable pattern. As of yet, the guys over in EE have 
not determined what the precise cause of this decipherable noise is. But, in 
base 10, the resultants:

Steganographic Resultant A) 35

Steganographic Resultant B) 84

The Euclidean Algorithm is a process which gives the greatest common divisor of 
two natural numbers. Recall that, for any natural numbers r ands, and any 
integer t, we have (r, s) = (r, s + tr). We will use a consequence of the 
Euclidean Algorithm, called the Chinese Remainder Theorem:

We compute (35, 84). Since 35 goes into 84 twice, we subtract 2 ú 35 = 70 from 
84 to see that (35, 84) = (35, 14). Notice now that 35 is the larger number. We 
can subtract 2 ú 14 = 28 from 35 to get (35, 14) = (7, 14). Now, since 14 is a 
multiple of 7, we see that (35, 84) = 47.

There are several paths of interpretation, but our only crpytanalysis hit came 
when we calculated this to be ASCII string "47" (as opposed to its numeric 

What word does 47 represent? Dividing by 27, we find thatthe quotient is 1, 
with a remainder of 20. Since 1 is less than 27, the wordis 120, or AT. What 
about 13703? Dividing by 27, we get 507, with aremainder of 14. Dividing 507 by 
27, we get 18 with a remainder of 21. 18is less than 27, so we are done, and we 
get the word 182114, or "DoD". Yes, that's right... The Department of Defense.

This message was probably placed by the Department of Defense or one of its 
contracting agencies on a Battle.net server without the knowledge of any of the 
webmasters, as public Internet distribution of this content would conjur up 
memories of Judge James Edwin Horton and the Trial of the "Argentinian Cipher 

5) **Unprecedented information security breach**

[Note from editor: For the first time in history, per instructions from 
international law enforcement agencies, I have been forced to moderate the 
contents of this post. Please expect a follow-up post after findings are made 
public. For media & local law enforcement, direct inquiries to 
privacy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ]

Well, there it is. Save yourselves while you still can!

Jason Sloderbeck

On-the-fly Security Institute                           Gosford, Antarctica
"Cryptanalysis performed while you wait"                ID# B418 B290 ACC0

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html