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Re: AW: [Full-Disclosure] 9/11 virus

l8km7gr02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
As to your suggestion that the implicit behaviour of a doubleclick is a
problem, I think you're a bit off the mark.  Users know that a
doubleclick will 'Open' whatever they click on, there's no ambiguity
there.  The confusion only occurs when the user doesn't exactly know
what it is they're doubleclicking on.

Hmmm, a UI poping up stating that the user is going to execute something and this may have a security impact (such as Eudora 5 does) is still a good idea. Security through fear? Surely not a positive marketing value.

Typical behavior last time I removed a trojan from someone's computer:
- Did you do anything?
- No, I just read that weird email but I didn't do anything.
- Really nothing at all?
- Well I double-clicked that .scr but nothing happen, so no I didn't do anything.

To go on with car references, there's a good reason for that bright red sticker stating you should not place your child in front of the airbag. It probably took a lot of legal fighting to get it there in the first place but as software vendors are not reliable for their actions...

users must be able to differentiate between executables and documents.

That requires energy and willingness to learn.

> To that end, however, user
interfaces must be clear and explicit when it comes to helping the user
differentiate the two.

Wouldn't it be possible to create an OE addon that just does this the correct way?
Isn't "helping" the user "forcing" him actually? I.e. implicitely admitting s/he can't make the right decision in the first place?


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