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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Computer Sabotage by Microsoft

> > I can understand you frustration of no linux & cracked 
> games anymore, 
> > but "written permission"... Well, well...
> You misunderstand me completely beside the fact that you 
> accuse me of creating copies of games. I am the person who 
> cracked the xbox open via the font hack and I am not 
> frustrated at all, because I can revert the illegal changes 
> of MS to MY hardware anytime. It is just that MS has no 
> fucking right to autoupdate my box. No matter if I am a LIVE 
> customer or not. They can terminate my license and pay me my 
> money back if the update is really needed, which it is not.

My apologies in this case, but your post really sounded like being from
a different person with some different mind behind him...

But - honestly - do you really think Microsoft has designed to box in
the way you intend to use it? Didn't you then take it as a challenge to
do something with it that it was not really designed for?

> > As you said "it *finally* happened" ;) If you purchase that 
> blackbox 
> > design, you get what you pay for. Microsoft never said it did these 
> > things that you try to do. While there are good points to 
> blame them, 
> > I think this time it is not. It is simply doing what it was 
> supposed 
> > to...
> There is NOT a single word in the whole EULA and 
> documentation of the XBOX that it will not execute nonsigned 
> software. I found a way to work around this defect. Microsoft 
> destroyed that way, they killed one of the features (again... 
> nowhere in the docu is written that this is NOT one of the 
> features) So I want my money back. I payed for a black box 
> with specific features the font hack was one of the features. 
> If they kill this feature, they kill my property and have to 
> pay for it.

Honestly, I still can't follow you on this route. I wouldn't purchase
the XBOX first place because MS intention with it is well-known. If you
repair these "defects" and make it even more succcessful (because of
this) in the marketplace - is that really good? Wouldn't it be better to
make it an economic failure so that vendors see this is the wrong
approach (as the music industry now slowly learns)?


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