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SV: [Full-Disclosure] MS03-039 has been released - critical


> "The new DoS vulnerability was disclosed by a hacking group 
> in China on July 25, 2003, and functional exploit code is 
> already in use on the Internet. "

This is well known. However it´s not the BoF exploit.

Yet again, the detailed advisory from Eeye makes it fairly easy to write
a working exploit. Although I haven´t seen a PoC yet I would expect it
to be release shortly. It´s a bit harder to exploit than the previous
RPC Dcom weakness but it´s certainly possible.

Please note that Eeye has already released an update for Retina Security
Scanner and I suppose every script kid, cracker or hacker should be able
to sniff to code from Retina going to a remote vulnerable host. You
think? CHAM, yeah?

I suggest we update RPC - again.

Med venlig hilsen // Kind regards

Peter Kruse
Kruse Security

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