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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Ankit Fadia - A Reality

On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 07:32:51 BST, =?iso-8859-1?q?Cutthroat=20Truth?= 
<cutthroat_truth@xxxxxxxxxxx>  said:
> Ankit Fadia motherfucker is torn apart in this one.

> I say, what so new about "Internal Threats" everyone
> knows about it, every survey results say it out
> clearly, what is your superman ship in revealing that
> issue?

You know it. I know it.  Presumably, the readership of the magazine in question
needs reminding  Remember that most CIO's are *NOT* securiity geeks, *and* that
many of them "manage by headline".  Worms and the like are getting the press,
so that's what the CIO reacts to.  Occasionally somebody needs to give them a
reality check - that the *biggest* danger for a really permanently damaging
incident is firing that geeky accountant who shouldn't have had that sysadmin
password, and then forgetting to change that password...

> I say, shut the fuck up already kid, you're so
> clueless you dont edit programming code to make it run
> on UNIX or other OS. You port the code. 

1) He very well may have said "port".  Journalists get it wrong all the time.
People who work in high-tech are usually amazed when the entire quote is
correct and undistorted.

2) He may have said "edit" intentionally, as a verb that is less exactly
correct, but more likely to be understood - everybody presumably understands
editing a document, porting may not be as well known.

3) He references a program written for Windows NT and moving it to Unix - THAT
port *IS* going to involve a text editor, unless you got REALLY lucky and the
guy was either (a) intentionally writing VERY portable code or (b) amazingly
avoided any use of the Windows API to do anything useful - skip the Windows GUI
calls for dialogs, etc....

>> AF: Yeah, I plan to go to the US after my twelve to
>> complete my graduation. I would love to work there.
>> [Laughs] I still haven't got any offers. "

> I say, what the fuck kid make up your mind, you got
> job offers or not that doesnt matter to anyone

Re-read this slowly and carefully, and pay attention. He *has* made
up his mind.  Unfortunately, the real world has intervened. Most people
discover sometime around Ankit's age that just because they've made up
their mind to work for the FBI, or play lead guitar for Aerosmith, or
play football for the Houston Oilers, that they really better have a backup
plan in case the job offer doesn't come through.

Not having a job offer *does* matter - you don't believe me, look around
LA or NYC, you'll find lots of people tending bar or driving a taxi or working
in a restaurant who will tell you they're an actor/actress....

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