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[Full-Disclosure] Re: InlineEgg library release

i find this release funny, not because it isn't a really nice piece of 
code, but because of the circumstances surrounding it.
check this out:
dave aitel will give a talk on his software MOSDEF, which as i understand 
it is a python c compiler with some other pretty neet features.
so what?
immunitysec (which dave aitel started) has a product CANVAS 
(www.immunitysec.com/CANVAS) which is a 
python exploit suite for testing networks. MOSDEF will be a part of CANVAS 
when completed, and will also be GPL'd so that everyone else can use it.
on the other hand we have CORE, with their product IMPACT (everyone loves 
the big caps names dont they?) which again, is a python exploit toolkit 
thing aswell. however, dave aitel has been talking about MOSDEF for months 
now, and all of a sudden a copy of inlineegg pop's up which offers the 
same functionability as MOSDEF (i spose).

why would CORE do this? are IMPACT sales down (ie, symatec hasn't renewed 
their licenses) or do they feel threated by the publicity MOSDEF & CANVAS 
will be receiving at blackhat?


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