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[Full-Disclosure] Virus, whether the scanners say so or not?

I just got this from a co-workers computer. I've run it against 4 virus
scanners I have around (after running each one's definition update) and
nothing recognized it.

It really looks like W32.HLLW.Moega

But Symantec says it should catch it, which it doesn't. It looks like the
thing has been on his machine for about a month, and he's on an open cable
connection (Symantec mentions a trojan in moega) so I would like to know
what the payload is. It's a larger file than what Symantec has listed for
moega also.

Anybody seen it, or have a scanner that recognizes it?

D  R  E  A  M  W  R  I  G  H  T    S  T  U  D  I  O  S                  
Dreamwright.com  - Web Design, Graphic Design, & Custom Software Programming
704-548-8653 office/fax  1-866-47-MY-WEB
PO Box 480188   Charlotte, NC 28269

Attachment: wupdated.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature