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[Full-Disclosure] Re: Buffer overflow prevention
- To: emsi@ipartners.pl
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Buffer overflow prevention
- From: Stephen Clowater <steve@stevesworld.hopto.org>
- Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 14:12:14 -0300
Hash: SHA1
Hash: SHA1
On August 14, 2003 06:44 am, Mariusz Woloszyn wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Patrick Dolan wrote:
> > There is a flag for the Gnu C/C++ compilers, -fstack-protector, that will
> > implement ProPolice stack protection. It should prevent stack smashing
> > techniques.
> ProPolice (http://www.research.ibm.com/trl/projects/security/ssp/) is a
> great tool that not only protects the return address on the stack, but
> also changes the order of local variables and protects the function
> arguments! It's a way better protector than StackGuard and is a way more
> efficient than a "two stack approach", providing _almost_ as good
> protection, which sometimes is even better!!![1]
GRsecurity is a kernel patch wich allows such things as random memallc bases
and random tcp stacks, as well as a non-executeable stack if you can manage
this (not to mention a utility to change the PAX flags for indidual binarys
that may need executable stack). This would work much better because it dosnt
need to be compiled into anything but the kernel.
If you turn on GRsecurty's randomizations for memory addresses and tcp stacks
(wich I have tested, you can do this safely without breaking any software).
If you do this, then a attacker trying to overflow a return address has a 1
in 2^32 chance of the exploit actually overflowing the address. You can do
this and not have any impact on speed, and all of your software is protected
with this level without having to recompile with a gcc flag.
Also, you can use chpax, and turn on a non-executable stack, and with a small
amount of voodoo (in tracking down the binarys and .so's that need the stack,
wich typically is only a single binary or .so file, wich you can find with
ptrace, strace, or ltrace) you can have all of your stuff run with a
non-executeable stack, thus making stack smashing impossible. Nothing can
execute off your stack so a malicous person can override all the addresses he
wants, his code cant run off your stack.
This can be implemented even on desktop machines. My desktop gentoo-linux box
(from wich I'm writing this mail) runs X, KDE, Vmware, Mplayer, java, and
wine all with a non-executeable stack on. Altho, you will have to make a few
ammendments to the c code in the .wmv codecs in Mplayer in order to get them
to run.
> [1]: it protects the local variables (pointer) and function arguments,
> which neither StagGuard nor StackShield ("two stack approach") do.
> --
> Mariusz Wo�oszyn
> Internet Security Specialist, GTS - Internet Partners
- - --
- - -
* Stephen Clowater
Farnsworth: Oh my God!!
Fry: What is it?
Farnsworth: It's..It's...It's my new pager!
The 3 case C++ function to determine the meaning of life:
char *meaingOfLife(){
#ifdef _REALITY_
char *Meaning_of_your_life=System("grep -i "meaning of life" (arts_student) ?
char *Meading_of_your_life=System((char)"grep -i "* \n * \n" /dev/urandom");
cout << "Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n";
System("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda");
return Meaning_of_your_life;
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --
- -
Stephen Clowater
Farnsworth: Oh my God!!
Fry: What is it?
Farnsworth: It's..It's...It's my new pager!
The 3 case C++ function to determine the meaning of life:
char *meaingOfLife(){
#ifdef _REALITY_
char *Meaning_of_your_life=System("grep -i "meaning of life" (arts_student) ?
char *Meading_of_your_life=System((char)"grep -i "* \n * \n" /dev/urandom");
cout << "Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n";
System("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda");
return Meaning_of_your_life;
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
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