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[connect24h:2531] Re: popに攻撃?

> 私のマシンに韓国、ロシアから、管理している他のマシンには、今月に入ってか
> らロシア、ルーマニアからpopにアクセスしている形跡がありました。
> popは全てのマシンでqpopper 3.1.1を使っていますが、これは問題ないですよね?
> 12月の時点ではアクセスが無く、1月に入って合計で5回来ています。

まただれか worm でも作ったのでしょうか。
攻撃元の OSとバージョンが分かれば、見当がつくように思います。

問題のあるバージョンの Qpopper を動かしている Linux を狙った、 

Qpopper 3.1.1 は大丈夫みたいですけど。

●Qpopper FAQ

Are any versions of Qpopper vulnerable to remote exploit?

Qpopper 2.41 and prior versions (and some early beta versions of
Qpopper 3.0) are vulnerable to buffer overflow.  Remote users can
obtain root access on systems running these versions.  Qpopper 2.53
and earlier have a non-root exploit.

Releases of Qpopper 3.0 and later are immune from all known buffer
overrun and other security issues.  Please upgrade your server if you
are running any Qpopper older than the current version

Also, 3.0 and later has new code which makes future buffer overruns
far less likely, and releases are run against a utility which tests
all parameters of all commands for buffer overruns.

●linux.oreillynet.com: Remote Root Exploit in QPopper [Jun. 11, 2001]

Qpopper, a server for POP mail, has a buffer overflow that may be
exploitable to execute arbitrary code as the root user.
Users should upgrade to version 4.0.3 or newer of Qpopper as soon
as possible.

●Qualcomm qpopper 'LIST' Buffer Overflow Vulnerability   


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