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[Newsletter/Marketing] [ISN] Why local governments are a hot target for cyberattacks


By Cynthia Brumfield
May 01, 2019

Over the course of the past few weeks, a seemingly stepped-up wave of malware and ransomware infections has struck a number of municipalities across the U.S.

* On April 10, the city of Greenville, North Carolina, had to disconnect
  most city-owned computers from the Internet due to what officials said
  was a RobinHood ransomware infection, a duplicitous piece of malware
  that pretends to raise awareness and funds for the people of Yemen.

* On April 13, Imperial County, California was hit with Ryuk ransomware,
  which is designed to target enterprise environments, forcing its website
  to go dark and causing some city systems to malfunction, including a
  number of departments’ phone lines.

* On the same day Imperial County was infected, the city of Stuart,
  Florida, was hit by Ryuk ransomware, forcing system shut-downs affecting
  payroll, utilities and other vital functions, including police and fire

* On April 18, an unspecified piece of malware, likely ransomware,
  crippled the city’s computer network in Augusta, Maine.


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