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[Newsletter/Marketing] [ISN] Subscribing and Unsubscribing from InfoSec News

Forwarded from: William Knowles <wk (AT) infosecnews.org>

Its come to my attention someone either subscribed or forwarded a day of InfoSec News to Bugtraq as I've been fielding a number of nastygrams and Tweets.

I am not personally subscribed to Bugtraq but would appreciate if you do plan on emailing me to include your full email headers when mailing me such winning emails like "GET ME OFF THIS F**KING SPAM LIST" or Tweets like "7 unsolicited emails in 10 minutes? With no unsubscribe option? GDPR much?"

But if you are actually subscribed to the InfoSec News mailing list, and can't find that original mail telling you how to unsubscribe or you can't read e-mail headers which post this information with every email and still no longer want to be on the InfoSec News list.

Please send a mail to: isn-request (at) lists.infosecnews.org
With the subject: unsubscribe

Likewise, if you love the list, and wish to share the love and good karma
amongst your friends, clients, and co-workers, please point them to:


Thank you for your time!

William Knowles
wk (AT) InfoSecNews.org

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