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CVE-2016-6799: Internal system information leak

CVE-2016-6799: Internal system information leak

Severity: High

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected: Cordova Android (5.2.2 and below)

Description: The application calls methods of the Log class. Messages
passed to these methods (Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w(), and
Log.e()) are stored in a series of circular buffers on the device. By
default, a maximum of four 16 KB rotated logs are kept in addition to
the current log. The logged data can be read using Logcat on the
device. When using platforms prior to Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), the
log data is not sandboxed per application; any application installed
on the device has the capability to read data logged by other

Upgrade path: Developers who are concerned about this issue should
upgrade to 6.0.0 or later and install cordova plugins whose versions
are equal to or greater than:

cordova-plugin-battery-status: 1.2.0
cordova-plugin-camera: 2.3.0
cordova-plugin-console: 1.0.4
cordova-plugin-contacts: 2.2.0
cordova-plugin-device: 1.1.3
cordova-plugin-device-motion: 1.2.2
cordova-plugin-device-orientation: 1.0.4
cordova-plugin-dialogs: 1.3.0
cordova-plugin-file: 4.3.0
cordova-plugin-file-transfer: 1.6.0
cordova-plugin-geolocation: 2.3.0
cordova-plugin-globalization: 1.0.4
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 1.5.0
cordova-plugin-media: 2.4.0
cordova-plugin-media-capture: 1.4.0
cordova-plugin-network-information: 1.3.0
cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 4.0.0
cordova-plugin-statusbar: 2.2.0
cordova-plugin-test-framework: 1.1.3
cordova-plugin-vibration: 2.1.2
cordova-plugin-whitelist: 1.3.0
cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine: 1.1.0

Mitigation Steps: If developers are unable to install the latest versions,
this vulnerability can easily be mitigated by not putting sensitive
information in the log statements.

Credit: Mark Ward