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CfP and Special Session :: CyberSec2017

You are invited to participate in the following conference:


Venue: St. Mary's University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dates: April 22-24, 2017
URL: http://sdiwc.net/conferences/6th-international-cyber-security-cyber-welfare-digital-forensic/

The conference aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital applications and engineering.

Topics (not limited to):
- Cyber Security
- Enterprise Systems Security
- Hardware-Based security
- Legal Issues
- Operating Systems and Database Security
- SCADA and Embedded systems security
- Security for Future Networks
- Security in Social Networks
- Security protocols
- Digital Forensic
- Cyber-Crimes
- Evidentiary Aspects of Digital Forensics
- File System and Memory Analysis Multimedia Forensic
- Information Hiding
- Large-Scale Investigations
- Network Forensics and Traffic Analysis Hardware Vulnerabilities and Device Forensics
- Information Assurance and Security Management
- Corporate Governance
- Decidability and Complexity
- Economics of Security
- Identity Management
- Security Policies and Trust Management
- Cyber Peacefare and Physical Security
- Biometrics Applications
- Cyber Peacefare Trends and Approaches
- New theories and algorithms in biometrics
- Surveillance Systems

The conference also welcomes researchers to organize special session in any one of the tracks in cyber security and digital forensic with regards to the conference topic.

Special Sessions may address one or more tracks, but they should be organized under a unified theme. Each special session should attract 6 registered papers. These papers will be part of the Conference Proceedings, and they will be published in the proceedings of the conference and will be sent to at least 10 indexing places.

Registered papers will be published in the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications' Digital Library and in the proceedings of the conference.

Paper Submission: March 1, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2017
Camera Ready & Registration: April 6, 2017