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October 2016 - Crowd - Critical Security Advisory

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Note: the current version of this advisory can be found at
https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/wykQMw .

* CVE-2016-6496 - Crowd LDAP Java Object Injection

Product: Crowd

Affected Crowd Versions:
1.4.1 <= version < 2.8.8
2.9.0 <= version < 2.9.5

Fixed Crowd versions:
* for 2.8.x, Crowd 2.8.8 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* for 2.9.x, Crowd 2.9.5 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* for 2.10.x, Crowd 2.10.1 has been released with a fix for this issue.

This advisory discloses a critical severity security vulnerability
which was introduced in version 1.4.1 of Crowd. Versions of Crowd
starting with 1.4.1 before 2.8.8 (the fixed version for 2.8.x) and
from 2.9.0 before 2.9.5 (the fixed version for 2.9.x) are affected by
this vulnerability.

Atlassian Cloud customers are not affected by the issue described in
this advisory.

Customers who have downloaded and installed Crowd >= 1.4.1 less than
2.8.8 (the fixed version for 2.8.x) or Customers who have downloaded
and installed Crowd >= 2.9.0 less than 2.9.5 (the fixed version for
2.9.x) please upgrade your Crowd installations immediately to fix this

JIRA Core, JIRA Software, JIRA Service Desk, Confluence, Bitbucket
Server, FishEye and Crucible installations which do not use SSL/TLS
connection to configured LDAP server or allow users to manipulate
specific attributes of an LDAP entry are affected by this issue.
Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability in these
products as high. According to Security Bug fix Policy fixes are
included in the last maintenance releases.

Customers who have downloaded and installed JIRA >= 4.3.0 less than
7.2.1 (the fixed version for 7.2.x) or who have downloaded and
installed Confluence >= 3.5.0 less than 5.10.6 (the fixed version for
5.10.x) or who have downloaded and installed Bitbucket Server >= 1.3.0
less than 4.10.0 (the fixed version for 4.10.x) or who have downloaded
and installed FishEye and Crucible >= 4.0.0 less than 4.2.0 (the fixed
version for 4.2.x) we recommend to upgrade your installations to fix
this vulnerability.

Crowd LDAP Java Object Injection (CVE-2016-6496)

Atlassian rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical,
according to the scale published in our Atlassian severity levels. The
scale allows us to rank the severity as critical, high, moderate or
low. This is an independent assessment and you should evaluate its
applicability to your own IT environment.


The Crowd LDAP directory connector allowed an attacker to gain remote
code execution in Crowd by injecting malicious attributes in LDAP
entries. To exploit this issue, attackers either need to modify an
entry in an LDAP directory that Crowd is configured to use or
successfully execute a Man-in-The-Middle attack between an LDAP server
and Crowd. Crowd installations configured to communicate with an LDAP
server using the LDAPS protocol with the Secure SSL option enabled are
immune to the Man-in-The-Middle attack vector only (unless an attacker
is able to obtain the private key of the SSL/TLS certificate used to
secure the communication).

All versions of Crowd from 1.4.1 before 2.8.8 (the fixed version for
2.8.x) and from 2.9.0 before 2.9.5 (the fixed version for 2.9.x) are
affected by this vulnerability. This issue can be tracked here:
https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CWD-4790 .

We would like to credit Alvaro Munoz and Alexander Mirosh of HPE
Security Fortify for reporting this issue to us.


We have taken the following steps to address this issue:
* Crowd version 2.10.1 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* Crowd version 2.9.5 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* Crowd version 2.8.8 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* JIRA Core version 7.2.1 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* Confluence version 5.10.6 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* Bitbucket Server version 4.10.0 has been released with a fix for this issue.
* FishEye and Crucible version 4.2.0 has been released with a fix for
this issue.


Upgrade Crowd to version 2.10.1 or higher.
If you are running Crowd 2.9.x and cannot upgrade to Crowd 2.10.1 then
upgrade to version 2.9.5.
If you are running Crowd 2.8.x and cannot upgrade to Crowd 2.9.5 then
upgrade to version 2.8.8.

For a full description of the latest version of Crowd, see the release
notes found at 
You can download the latest version of Crowd from the download centre
found at https://www.atlassian.com/software/crowd/download .

Upgrade JIRA Core (this is also required if you are running JIRA
Software or JIRA Service Desk) to version 7.2.1 or higher.

For a full description of the latest version of JIRA, see the release
notes found at 
. You can download the latest version of JIRA from the download centre
found at https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/download .

Upgrade Confluence to version 5.10.6 or higher.

For a full description of the latest version of Confluence, see the
release notes found at
You can download the latest version of Confluence from the download
centre found at https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/download

Upgrade Bitbucket Server to version 4.10.0 or higher.

For a full description of the latest version of Bitbucket Server, see
the release notes found at
https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Releases .
You can download the latest version of Bitbucket Server from the
download centre found at
https://www.atlassian.com/software/bitbucket/download .

Upgrade FishEye and Crucible to version 4.2.0 or higher.

For a full description of the latest version of FishEye and Crucible,
see the release notes found at
. You can download the latest version of FishEye and Crucible from the
download centre found at
https://www.atlassian.com/software/fisheye/download .

If you have questions or concerns regarding this advisory, please
raise a support request at https://support.atlassian.com/.

- --
David Black / Security Engineer.
