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XSS (Cross Site Scripting) in Social CRM & Community Solutions powered by Lithium in Knowledge base section

* Exploit Title: XSS (Cross Site Scripting) in Social CRM & Community Solutions 
powered by Lithium in Knowledge base section
* Discovery Date: 2016/02/19
* Public Disclosure Date: 2016/03/24
* Exploit Author: Imran Khan
* Contact: netizen01k [at] gmail.com
* Vendor link: http://www.lithium.com/
* Tested on:  Firefox 45.0
* Category: webapps


Product Description


Lithium Technologies? Social CRM platform is offers SaaS services like forums, 
blogs, private messaging and Knowledge Base.


A Reflected XSS (or Non-Persistent) cross site scripting web vulnerability has 
been discovered in Lithium Technologies? Social CRM web-application.The 
vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject own malicious script codes to 
the application-side of the vulnerable modules context.The vulnerability is 
located in the knowledge base section for example 
https://community.XXX.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/tkb?. The attack vector of 
the vulnerability is located on the application-side and the request method to 
inject is GET. The execution of the inserted payload occurs in the search 
module.Below are more details.

1).To list down the customers using the Community solutions provided by Lithium
navigate to google.com and type the query /t5/forums/searchpage/tab/tkb

2). Now open one of the Knowledge base page for instance,

3) under the search tag enter the XSS payload

"--> </script><svg/onload=';alert(document.cookie);'>
and then click on search



2016/02/16 - Issues discovered and reported Lithium

2016/02/17 ? Vendor confirmed the vulnerability

2016/02/24 ? Follow up with vendor, No reply came back

2016/03/22 ? Vendor informs the fix roll out.

2016/03/24 ? Public Disclosure




 The fix is already rolled out by Lithium