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TimeClock - Multiple SQL Injections

Exploit Title : Multiple SQL injections
Author:Marcela Benetrix
Date: 02/03/2016
version: 0.995 (older version may be vulnerable too)
software link:http://timeclock-software.net

Timeclock software

Timeclock-software.net's free software product will be a simple solution to 
allow your employees to record their time in one central location for easy 

SQL Injection Location

1. http://example.com/view_data.php?period_id
2. http://example.com/edit_type.php?type_id=
3. http://example.com/edit_user.php?user_id=
4. http://example.com/edit_entry.php?time_id=

All of them are vulnerable to Union query and time-based blind.
Preconditions: The attacker must have a valid session in order to exploit it.

5. http://example.com/login.php
username and password parameters were also vulnerable to time-based blind sql 
injection type.

Vendor Notification
01/27/2015 to: the developers. They replied immediately and included the fix in 
a new release
02/03/2015: Disclosure