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RE: WinRAR SFX v5.21 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
- To: "dev@xxxxxxxxxx" <dev@xxxxxxxxxx>, "bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: WinRAR SFX v5.21 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
- From: "Popovici, Alejo \(LATCO - Buenos Aires\)" <apopovici@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 12:46:58 +0000
Well it's true what you are saying,
But it's also true that anti-virus software is fully aware of the usual way of
executing malicious code through SFX archives. This could be a way of bypassing
the anti-virus software thus avoiding detection.
In my opinion it should be fixed.
Kind regards,
Alejo Popovici
Consultor | ERS | Cyber Risk Services
Deloitte & Co. S.A.
Pte. Gral.J.D.Perón 646, 7piso, C1038AAN, Buenos Aires Argentina
apopovici@xxxxxxxxxxxx | www.deloitte.com
-----Original Message-----
From: dev@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dev@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 8:05 AM
To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: WinRAR SFX v5.21 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
I am WinRAR developer. We published the official comment on www.rarlab.com here:
This "vulnerability" is a non-issue. Why attempting to find some hackish
esoteric way for a feature, which presents in SFX archives officially. Any SFX
archive can run contained executable files, it is required for installers. Any
SFX archive just like any exe file and any software installer is potentially
dangerous for user computers and must be started only if received from a
trustworthy source.
Self-extracting archives are .exe themselves, one of their basic functions is
code execution for executables stored in archives. They also allow to run any
kind of web downloaders, because it is needed for software installers. So that
researcher discovered that self-extracting archives, which are exe themselves
and designed to be able to run contained exe, can actually run exe. No surprise
here and no new risks for users. All associated risks are already present in
standard SFX functions and exe design.
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