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Multiple unresolved vulnerabilities in Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne
- To: Full Disclosure <fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, BugTraq <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Multiple unresolved vulnerabilities in Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne
- From: Samuel Lavitt - CVE-2015-0942 <CVE-2015-0942@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 05:00:39 +0000
English: Multiple vulnerabilities in Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne software
that were reported already 08/2012 may still enable undetectable economic
crimes against user organizations (companies)
Finnish: Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne -ohjelmiston haavoittuvuudet, joista
raportoitiin jo 08/2012, saattavat edelleen mahdollistaa käyttäjäyrityksiin
kohdistuvia ”näkymättömiä” talousrikoksia
Swedish: Sårbarheter i Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne programvaran, vilka
rapporterades redan 08/2012, kan fortfarande möjliggöra “osynlig” ekonomisk
kriminalitet mot användarföretag
Security researcher, author: Samuel Lavitt <cve-2015-0942@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Editor and translator: Ronja Addams-Moring <ronja@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
English Summary:
Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne, a cash/bank account management software package
for enterprises from software vendor Basware, has multiple critical
vulnerabilities, which are described in this report. These vulnerabilities were
first observed and reported to Basware by security researcher and author of
this report, Samuel Lavitt, in August 2012. These vulnerabilities, and exploits
to unlawfully gain economically from them in an undetectable manner, were
demonstrated by the author to Basware and CERT-FI (part of the National Cyber
Security Centre Finland) on 7 July 2014. The Finnish Financial Supervisory
Authority was also informed in July 2014. At least one vulnerability has been
partially fixed since.
Despite that fix it is still, to the best of the author’s knowledge, possible
- Duplicate a user organization’s digital banking security keys, which are
used to authenticate the banking transactions.
- Modify all the records in the user organization’s Basware Banking
software, including transaction records as well as pending transactions.
- Bypass all permission restrictions (access controls) in the user
organization’s client software.
These risks affect at least 1,500 user organizations (companies) in the Nordic
and Baltic countries, mainly in Finland and Sweden. Protecting against these
risks may require a complete reset of all affected digital banking keys, in
addition to security fixes to the software, or discontinuing the use of the
vulnerable software. To implement these changes and prevent possible fraud due
to the vulnerabilities that allow the copying of banking keys, each user
organization may require the assistance of banks where they have granted the
Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne software access to their bank accounts. Depending
on how processes are defined and technical controls implemented in each bank,
making the required changes may or may not also have an impact on other bank
customers who do not use the Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne software.
Yhteenveto suomeksi:
Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne, yritysten rahan ja pankkitilien hallintaan
tarkoitettu ohjelmistopaketti ohjelmistotoimittaja Baswarelta, sisältää useita
kriittisiä haavoittuvuuksia, jotka on kuvattu tässä raportissa. Tämän raportin
kirjoittaja, turvallisuusasiantuntija Samuel Lavitt havaitsi nämä
haavoittuvuudet ensimmäisen kerran ja ilmoitti niistä Baswarelle elokuussa
2012. Nämä haavoittuvuudet sekä sen, miten niitä hyödyntämällä on mahdollista
saada oikeudetonta taloudellista etua ilman, että sitä voidaan havaita,
kirjoittaja osoitti Baswaren ja CERT-FI:n (osa Viestintäviraston
Kyberturvallisuuskeskusta) edustajille demonstraatiossa 7. heinäkuuta 2014.
Myös Finanssivalvonnalle ilmoitettiin asiasta heinäkuussa 2014. Ainakin yksi
haavoittuvuuksista on sittemmin osittain korjattu.
Raportin kirjoittajan parhaan tiedon mukaan korjauksesta huolimatta on edelleen
- Monistaa käyttäjäorganisaation pankkitoimintaa turvaavia digitaalisia
avaimia, joita käytetään pankkitapahtumien todentamiseen.
- Muokata kaikkia käyttäjäorganisaation Basware Maksuliikenne -ohjelmiston
sisältämiä tietoja, kuten tilitietoja sekä jonossa olevia (ajastettuja)
- Ohittaa kaikki käyttöoikeusrajoitukset (pääsynvalvonta)
käyttäjäorganisaation asiakasohjelmassa.
Nämä riskit vaikuttavat ainakin 1500 käyttäjäorganisaatioon (yritykseen)
Pohjoismaissa ja Baltian maissa, pääasiassa Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Näiltä
riskeiltä suojautuminen saattaa edellyttää kaikkien haavoittuvuuden
vaikutuspiirissä olevien digitaalisten pankkiavainten uusimista, sen lisäksi
että ohjelmiston turva-aukot on korjattava tai on lopetettava haavoittuvan
ohjelmiston käyttö. Jotta nämä muutokset voidaan toteuttaa ja mahdolliset
petokset haavoittuvuuden kautta kopioitujen pankkiavainten avulla estää, kukin
käyttäjäorganisaatio saattaa tarvita apua kaikilta niiltä pankeilta, joissa se
on antanut Basware Maksuliikenne -ohjelmistolle oikeudet käsitellä
pankkitilejään. Riippuen siitä, miten kussakin pankissa prosessit on määritelty
ja turvaratkaisut toteutettu, tarvittavien muutosten tekeminen saattaa
vaikuttaa tai olla vaikuttamatta myös muihin pankkiasiakkaisiin, jotka eivät
käytä Basware Maksuliikenne -ohjelmistoa.
Sammanfattning på svenska:
Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne, ett programvarupaket för företag för penning-
och bankkontohantering, utgivet av mjukvaruleverantören Basware, har flera
kritiska sårbarheter som beskrivs i denna rapport. Dessa sårbarheter
observerades och rapporterades till Basware av författaren till denna rapport,
Samuel Lavitt, för första gången i augusti 2012. Dessa sårbarheter, och hur man
med hjälp av dem kan få obehörig ekonomisk vinning på ett sätt som inte går att
spåra, demonstrerades av författaren för Basware och CERT-FI (en del av
Kommunikationsverkets Cybersäkerhetscenter i Finland) den 7e juli 2014. Även
Finansinspektionen i Finland informerades i juli 2014. Åtminstone en av
sårbarheterna har delvis korrigerats sedan dess.
Trots korrigeringen är det, enligt författarens bästa förståelse möjligt att:
- Duplicera en användarorganisations digitala banksäkerhetsnycklar, som
används för att autentisera banktransaktioner.
- Ändra all information i användarorganisationens Basware Banking
programvara, inklusive transaktionshistorik samt de transaktioner som väntar i
- Ta bort alla behörighetsbegränsningar (åtkomstkontroll) i
användarorganisationens klientprogramvara.
Dessa risker påverkar minst 1500 användarorganisationer (företag) i de nordiska
och baltiska länderna, främst i Finland och Sverige. För att skydda sig mot
dessa risker, kan det vara nödvändigt att helt förnya de berörda digitala
banksäkerhetsnycklarna, förutom att också korrigera sårbarheterna i
programvaran, eller sluta använda den sårbara programvaran. En
användarorganisation kan behöva hjälp av de banker, där de har givit Basware
Banking programvaran rätt att använda sina bankonton, för att åstadkomma dessa
förändringar och förhindra möjligt bedrägeri genom de sårbarheter som tillåter
att banksäkerhetsnycklarna kopieras. Beroende på hur processerna är definierade
och den tekniska säkerheten är förverkligad i en bank, kan förverkligande av de
nödvändiga förändringarna antingen påverka eller inte påverka även andra
bankkunder som inte använder Basware Banking programvaran.
Full report, English only
Description of the affected software:
The Basware Banking/Maksuliikenne software (henceforth “the software”) is a
cash/bank account management software package for enterprises from software
vendor Basware (henceforth “the vendor”). According to the best information
the author of this report has, it is used by between 1,500 and 2,000 customer
organizations, primarily companies throughout the Nordic and Baltic regions.
The software operates as a thick client/server package, with both clients and
servers running on the Windows platform. The server component is primarily an
IBM Solid database server. It is possible to have the client and server
components installed and operating on the same system. In that case, if the
system has a properly configured firewall preventing unauthorized access, the
CVE-2015-0943 vulnerability described below can be effectively mitigated.
Description of the vulnerabilities:
In August 2012 and June—July 2014, multiple vulnerabilities were found in the
software by the author and reported to the vendor. Because the vendor was
unable to reproduce the issues described or to confirm the presence of any
vulnerability, a demonstration was given to the vendor as well as to CERT-FI in
July 2014. The author was later informed by CERT-FI that the vendor stated all
but one of these security issues had been fixed and that the fixes had been
made available to affected customers. However, the author has not been provided
with updated software to verify the resolutions himself. This report is based
on the author’s best knowledge on 27 July 2015. Affected version ranges and
fixed version information are incomplete. Two CVE numbers were provided to the
author by CERT-FI for the vulnerabilities: one for the issue that was still
considered unresolved, and one for all issues that the vendor stated were
CVSSv2 score: 10.0 – Critical
CVSS v2 Vector (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
The issues in CVE-2015-0942 are issues that the vendor has informed the author
to be resolved, with fixes available to customers, but the latest update
provided by the vendor to the author does not appear to adequately resolve
them. Affected versions are at minimum to 8.90.07.X (The latest
provided to the author).
Issue #1: Hard-coded account used for account management
All instances of the software use the same hard-coded account with an identical
password for account management. This account, with the name "ANCO", is not
only identical for all installations, but is also used for security-sensitive
tasks. This account has sufficient permissions to perform account management
tasks on other accounts, such as locking or unlocking other user accounts, as
well as updating the audit trails for other accounts.
As of version 8.90.07.X, a static account for account management tasks is still
present. However, the account no longer has full database permissions. The
account name (and possibly password) is also different for each installation of
the software, but can be found using information that can be accessed using an
additional hard-coded account that was added to the server, which uses the same
username and password for all installations.
Issue #2: Use of client-side access control/auditing only
The software performs login verification, audit trail creation, and even
account locking via client-side functions. By simply dropping network traffic
related to these functions, it is possible to disrupt security-critical
functions, such as audit-trail creation for failed login attempts and account
locking to prevent brute force attacks. As of version 8.90.07.X an attacker can
even prevent the client from locking an account to prevent brute forcing by
ending the software’s process via the Windows Task Manager; the account is only
locked after acknowledging the notification.
In addition, the author discovered that as of version 8.90.07.X, possibly as
part of the changes to prevent abuse of the account for account management
described in issue #1 above, accounts are no longer locked/disabled at all in
the server. Instead, the account name is added to a table of locked accounts,
and after a successful login as a user, a check of that table is made to see if
the account is considered “locked”. If the account is in the locked account
table, the client software prompts that the user account is locked and logs the
user out. This is purely a client-side check and the users actually have full
permissions to modify the contents of that table, which allows any user to
delete their own account lock.
Issue #3: Unprotected storage of private keys used for banking transactions
The private keys that are used by the software to communicate with the customer
organization's bank are available to users of the software in plain text (or
trivially protected in later versions) in the SQL database. As of version
8.90.07.X these keys are available to all users of the software, even if the
access control policies provided to the system administrators are specifically
set to restrict access from the users. The usage of these keys allows an
attacker to completely bypass the control mechanisms in place and impersonate
the software or a valid authorized account holder to various online banking
systems directly, enabling authentication of fraudulent requests.
Issue CVE-2015-0943
CVSSv2 Score: 8.3 – High
CVSS v2 Vector (AV:A/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
The vendor has informed the author and customers in an email sent 13 October
2014 to all customers that this issue will be resolved in 2015 using native
Solid DB encryption. Affected versions are at minimum to 8.90.07.X.
Issue #4: Use of plain text for all SQL server communications
The communications between the thick client and the backend (SQL) server are
done in plain text and without tamper protection. Any hostile actor who is
able to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on the communications can manipulate
all information sent between the SQL server and the client. A man-in-the-middle
attack would allow complete modification of all banking/payment information,
access to bank account encryption keys, modification of all payment records,
etc. Even if an attacker is not able to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on
the communications, access to packet captures can still reveal sensitive
banking information, user credentials for the banking system, and possibly also
encryption keys, which might allow direct impersonation of authorized users to
the banks. There is also no replay protection, so an attacker who has a copy
of the messages sent from the client to the server during user login can reuse
those same messages to gain full access to the banking server.
This issue was partially confirmed by the vendor in an announcement sent to
their customers in October 2014, with an offer of a work-around using 3rd-party
solutions provided by contacting vendor support.
Suggestions for organizations using the software:
Disclaimer: The suggestions below may assist your risk management or
information security department in determining appropriate actions for your
organization based on your environment and security posture. These suggestions
are in no way meant to be instructions or to provide protection against or
detection of abuse. Any response should be tailored to your organization by
competent internal or external experts who understand the software
vulnerabilities as well as your organization's policies, procedures, and
operational environment.
- Contact Basware and ensure that you are running the latest version of the
Banking software. Follow any recommendations applicable provided by Basware to
reduce your security risks.
- Have the software evaluated in your environment by a skilled security
engineer or penetration tester to validate that these security vulnerabilities
have been resolved.
- Move the Banking server to a location where it is only accessible from
trusted networks.
- Remove unneeded user accounts or accounts belonging to untrusted users
from the Banking software.
- Consider transferring money out of accounts managed by the Banking
software to reduce the amount of financial damage in case of a breach, and
keeping minimal operating expenses in the at-risk accounts.
- Perform internal audit of bank account balances and transaction history,
retrieving the account information directly from the bank. This is recommended
because the records in the Banking software can be tampered with.
- Consider blocking all network access to the Banking server and performing
transactions using only clients installed on the same system as the server.
- Investigate whether the security of your environment may have been
compromised at any time, or whether the Banking software may have been
accessible directly. If so, contact all banks that have private keys stored in
the software to revoke those keys as a fraud prevention measure. Securely
replace those keys only after the risks have been addressed.
- Use a third-party encryption solution that provides strong encryption and
authentication of network communications for the Banking software to protect
against tampering, and ensure that only encrypted and authenticated connections
to the Banking server are possible.
- Install current anti-virus and anti-malware software as well as all
vendor-provided security updates on the Banking server and any computers where
the Banking client is used.
- Consider using whitelisting to control the software allowed to execute on
the Banking server as well as on any computers where the Banking client is used.
- Establish procedures as part of the software acquisition process to verify
vendor security claims as well as fitness for use.
Dates are approximate and to the best of the author’s memory, as the author was
not the primary person handling communications with the vendor.
August, 2012
The author discovered plain-text unauthenticated communications and
client-side account locking bypass in a previous version ( and
informed vendor support personnel when they were resolving another issue with
the software. Vendor support said that the author was incorrect, as the
software version in question was outdated, and had known security issues. The
author was told by the vendor’s support technician that the security issues
were already resolved in an update, which would be installed by the vendor in
the near future.
September, 2013
The software was updated to version as part of other updates. The
author did not verify at that time that the update resolved the security issues
that had been found.
19 June, 2014
The author encountered the software again and discovered that the same
issues still existed. Further research was done by the author and the vendor
was contacted with detailed findings. The author offered to provide a demo as
the vendor reported that they were unable to reproduce the issues.
7 July, 2014
The author provided a demo for the vendor and CERT-FI, showing the
vulnerabilities and working proof-of-concept exploits, which gave the ability
to change bank account balances and the records of banking transactions in the
system, as well as copying the private banking keys used for communication with
the banks.
Week of 7 July, 2014
Confirmation was received from the vendor that they were able to reproduce
the findings now that the issue was understood. The author was informed that
the vendor was working towards providing a fix and would keep the author
Regularly from this point on, the author checked with the party handling
communication with the vendor, but was not given any update on the issue or
told anything about fixes being available.
14 January, 2015
The author was informed that all security issues had been resolved by the
vendor. The author was asked to re-verify his findings in the software
15 January, 2015
The author confirmed that all security issues still applied and that the
software installation was not updated. Further updates were requested from the
Week of 23 February, 2015
The author was informed that someone in the media had found out about the
security vulnerabilities and was preparing to go public. The author contacted
CERT-FI to organize CVE numbers and was told that progress had been made and
CERT-FI had been told by the vendor that all but one of the vulnerabilities
were resolved. CERT-FI was asked by the author to encourage the vendor to
respond to communication attempts and to provide the security updates for
4 March, 2015
The product manager for the vendor contacted the author, offering to
provide installation of security updates. This was scheduled for 11 March.
6 March, 2015
Helsingin Sanomat (HS) published an article on Basware security
vulnerabilities. Following this, CERT-FI published their statements in Finnish
and in English. The author was asked by CERT-FI not to disclose any more
details until the author evaluated the security fixes, in case the fixes were
- The HS article “Paha tietoturva-aukko altistaa yritykset valemaksuille”:
(Finnish only, English translation of the title is “Bad security vulnerability
exposes companies to fraudulent payments”):
- CERT-FI publication “Vulnerabilities in Basware Banking“ (English):
- CERT-FI publication “Haavoittuvuuksia Basware Maksuliikenne -ohjelmistossa
“ (Finnish):
11 March, 2015
The vendor provided updates, but it became apparent to the author during
this process that issues still remained unresolved. CERT-FI was contacted and
it was agreed that they would send a technical expert to assist with a review.
13 March, 2015
The author and a technical expert from CERT-FI thoroughly analyzed the
software and determined that the findings described above were still valid.
The author was asked to give the vendor 42 days to resolve the issues before
public disclosure.
28 July, 2015
Full disclosure.