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t2'14: Call for Papers 2014 (Helsinki / Finland)

# t2'14 - Call For Papers (Helsinki, Finland) - October 23 - 24, 2014

Do you feel like Las Vegas is too hot, Berlin too bohème, Miami too humid, 
Singapore too clean and Pattaya just totally confusing ? No worries! Helsinki 
will be the perfect match for you – guaranteed low temperature, high tech and 
just enough regulation to make everything appear to be under control. This is 
the country where indestructible mobile phone and Linux kernel were invented.

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, known for the Finnish design and 
casual-yet-almost-sophisticated drinking culture offers you the chance to 
familiarize yourself with the birth place of many popular PC, console and 
mobile games. The murder rate of only 2.2 per 100 000 people makes Finland one 
of the safest countries for delivering a presentation. Do polar bears roam free 
in Helsinki? How do you go from being silent in three languages to having 
incoherent discussions in all of them? What does 176% mobile penetration look 
like? Come and see for yourself!

t2'14 is looking for technical infosec presentations with original content. 
Whether it’s your complicated relationship with the APT, embedded device 
exploitation, tactics and operational procedures in high stress / high risk 
operations, implementing or avoiding global surveillance, latest advances in 
offensive/defensive applications of computer science, the gospel of weird 
machine, breaking the Internet, reverse engineering milware or something 
totally different, we’d like to hear about it.

The advisory board will be reviewing submissions until 2014-07-04. First come, 
first served. No returns, no refunds.

Quick facts for speakers
+ presentation length 60-120 minutes, in English
+ complimentary travel and accommodation
+ decent speaker hospitality benefits
+ no marketing or product propaganda

A blast from the past:

How to submit
Please include the following with your submission (incomplete submissions will 
not be accepted):

1. Contact information (email and cell phone)
2. Country and city of origin for your travel to the conference
3. Brief biography (including employer and/or affiliations)
4. Title of the presentation
5. Presentation abstract
6. Explanation why your submission is significant
7. If your presentation references a paper or piece of software that you have
   published, please provide us with either a copy of the said paper or 
   or an URL where we can obtain it
8. List any other publications or conferences where this material has been or
   will be published/submitted

Please send the above information to cfp-2014 (at) lists.t2.fi

Tomi 'T' Tuominen | Founder @ t2 infosec conference | https://t2.fi

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