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Re: Wordpress wp-private-messages Plugin Sql Injection vulnerability

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 03:02:37PM +0000, iedb.team@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> # Exploit Title : Wordpress wp-private-messages Plugin Sql Injection 
> vulnerability
> # Software Link : http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-private-messages/
> # 
> http://www.Site.com/wp-admin/profile.php?page=wp-private-messages/wpu_private_messages.php&wpu=reply&msgid=[Sql]

Could not reproduce. Could you give us working PoC, thanks. I get error "Hack
Attempt: You don't allowed to reply this message!"

327 function wpu_reply_pm() {
328     global $current_user, $wpdb, $wpulang;
329     $msgid = $_GET["msgid"];
330     if(!$msgid || $msgid == "") { echo "Error while messaging!"; return; }
331     $pm = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->prefix".private_messages." 
WHERE id = $msgid", ARRAY_A);
333     if($pm['rcpid'] != $current_user->ID) { echo "<p>".__('Hack Attempt: 
You don\'t allowed to reply this message!', $wpulang)."</p>"; return; }

I tested with version 1.0.1

> # Dem0 :
> # 
> http://renewedculture.com/wp-admin/profile.php?page=wp-private-messages/wpu_private_messages.php&wpu=reply&msgid=[Sql]
> # 
> http://www.rockfordravens.org/wp-admin/profile.php?page=wp-private-messages/wpu_private_messages.php&wpu=reply&msgid=[Sql]

Live sites as demo to SQL injection behind WordPress login, err what?

Also please note: This plugin hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It may no
longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used
with more recent versions of WordPress.

Henri Salo

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