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AVAVoIP v1.5.12 - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities

AVAVoIP v1.5.12 - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities




Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Designed from the ground up to empower VoIP and to meet the needs of the 
changing business environment, the 
AVA VoIP platform provides best in class features and carrier performance at 
competitive cost so you can spend 
more time on strategic initiatives and less time on technical issues and 
downtime. Powerful CDR Mediation, 
Pricing, Rating, Billing, Reporting and Routing engines enable providers to 
meet the challenges they face every day.
The AVA VoIP package supports all the traditional telecom business models such 
as: prepaid and postpaid wholesale VoIP, 
prepaid and postpaid retail VoIP, calling cards, callback, call shop, Internet 
café, hotels, etc. In addition our team 
of experienced engineers can address and custom tailor updates or platform 
add-ons as requested by our clients. Avangard 
Solutions, Inc. provides cost-effective, customized IT solutions to large and 
mid-sized organizations worldwide. With 
experience in the latest, state of the art technology trends, our expertise 
spans a wide variety of subject matters in 
the areas of Pricing and Rating, Billing, BSS, OSS, CRM, ERP, SRM and 
e-commerce solutions. We offer our strategic 
expertise backed with years of experience in communications protocols, VoIP, 
Triple Play and converged solutions.

(Copy of the Vendor Homepage: http://avavoip.com/ )

The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered multiple Web 
Vulnerabilities in AVAVoIP Communication Application 1.5.12.

2012-06-09:     Public or Non-Public Disclosure




An arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability is detected in AVAs AVAVoIP 
Communication Application v1.5.12.
An attacker can upload a php file to the website and access this php file to 
control the entire site.
The vulnerability can only be exploited with privileged application user 
account. The bug is located 
in the FX rates > upload FX rates application function in the 
fx_rates_upload.php file.

Vulnerable Section(s):
                          [+] FX rates > upload FX rates

Vulnerable File(s):
                          [+] fx_rates_upload.php

Multiple persistent input validation vulnerabilities are detected in AVAs 
AVAVoIP Communication Application v1.5.12.
The bugs allow remote attackers to implement/inject malicious script code on 
the application side (persistent). 
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability can lead to session hijacking 
(manager/admin) or stable (persistent) 
context manipulation. Exploitation requires low user inter action & privileged 
user account. The persistent 
vulnerabilities are located in multiple different files and also the bound 
parameters & affected output listings.

Vulnerable File(s):
                          [+] accountadd.php First Name
                          [+] agent_set.php
                          [+] batchadd.php
                          [+] carrier_list.php
                          [+] routeset_set.php
                          [+] tariff_add.php
                          [+] taxadd.php

Vulnerable Module(s):
                          [+] Accounts > Add > First Name
                          [+] Agents > Add Agents > Business Phone
                          [+] Rating & Billing > Update Batch > Batch Name
                          [+] Rating & Billing > Taxes & Localities > Taxes > 
Tax Name
                          [+] Routing > Carrers > Carrier ID > Add & Listing
                          [+] Routing > Route Sets > Add & Update > Route Set 
                          [+] Routing > Tariffs > Update Name

Vulnerable Parameter(s):
                          [+] mtext, firstname & text
                          [+] agent_business_phone
                          [+] batch_name
                          [+] carrier_id
                          [+] route_set_name
                          [+] tariff_name
                          [+] taxname

Multiple non persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities are detected in 
AVAs AVAVoIP Communication Application v1.5.12.
The vulnerability allows remote attackers to hijack website customer, moderator 
& admin sessions with medium/high required 
user inter action or local low privileged user account. Successful exploitation 
result in account steal, phishing & 
client-side context request manipulation. 

Vulnerable File(s):
                          [+] agent_accounts_report.php
                          [+] tariff_add.php
                          [+] routeset_set.php

Vulnerable Parameter(s):
                          [+] routeset_id
                          [+] tariff_id
                          [+] agent_id

Proof of Concept:
The local file include vulnerability can be exploited by privileged user 
accounts without required user inter action.
For demonstration or reproduce ...

The attacker can go to the vulnerable file which is located at FX rates > 
upload FX rates. The upload function in 
the vulnerable page (fx_rates_upload.php) doesn't check the extension of the 
uploaded file. However, it checks the 
format of the file via own flag. Therefore if the attacker uploaded a php file 
like this

echo "test";
The Attacker will get an error because it is not satisfying the format of how 
the uploaded file should be, but if the 
attacker uploaded the following file ...

<? //ZIMBABWE,BWP,7.7160
echo "test"; //ZIMBABWE,BWP,7.7160
?> //ZIMBABWE,BWP,7.7160

The file will be successfully uploaded. The attacker bypassed the check of the 
format of the uploaded file function and 
get a working php file because the data that we added are commented out.

The persistent script code injection vulnerabilities can be exploited by 
privileged user accounts with low required user
inter action. For demonstration or reproduce ...

Review: Accounts > Add > First Name

<td class="mtext" width="200">First Name <span 
<td class="mtext"><input maxlength="255" type="text"><[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE 
<"="" class="loginfileld" size="20" name="first_name"></td>

Review: Agents > Add Agents > Business Phone

<td class="mtext" width="200">Business Phone</td>
<td class="mtext">
<input name="agent_business_phone" type="text"><iframe 
src="agent_set.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE INJECTION]")' 
<"="" class="loginfileld">

Review: Rating & Billing > Update Batch > Batch Name

<td class="mtext" width="200">Batch Name <span 
<td class="mtext"><input maxlength="50" size="20" type="text"><iframe 
src="batchadd.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE INJECTION]"' 
name="batch_name" class="loginfileld"></td>

Review: Rating & Billing > Taxes & Localities > Taxes > Tax Name

<td class="mtext" width="200">Tax Name <span 
<td class="mtext">
<input maxlength="255" class="loginfileld" size="20" type="text"><iframe 
src="taxadd.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE INJECTION])' 
<"="" name="taxname">

Review: Routing > Carrers > Carrier ID > Add & Listing

<div style="width: 180px; float: left; margin: 5px 7px 0pt 5px;">
<span style="width: 80px; float: left; font-family: 
Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica;">Carrier ID </span>
<span style="width: 100px; float: left; font-family: 
Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica;"><input name="carrier_id" type="text">
<iframe src="carrier_list.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE INJECTION])' 
<"="" onkeypress="checkEnter(event)" class="loginfileld" 
style="width: 100px;"></span>

Review: Routing > Route Sets > Add & Update > Route Set Name

<td class="mtext" width="200">Route Set Name <span 
<td class="mtext"><input name="route_set_name" type="text"><iframe 
src="routeset_set.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT CODE INJECTION])' <"="" 

Review: Routing > Tariffs > Update Name

<!--ACTIVE--><a>Update "><iframe src="tariff_add.php-Dateien/[PERSISTENT SCRIPT 
CODE INJECTION])' <<="" a=""><!--/ACTIVE-->
 Login / Logout section ends -->

The client side cross site scripting vulnerabilities can be exploited by remote 
attacker with medium or high required 
user inter action. For demonstration or reproduce ...


The security risk of the local file upload vulnerability is estimated as 

The security risk of the persistent input validation vulnerabilities are 
estimated as medium(+).

The security risk of the client side cross site scripting vulnerabilities are 
estimated as low(+).

Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team]  -    Ibrahim El-Sayed [the StOrM) 
Vulnerability Laboratory [Research Team]  -    Benjamin Kunz Mejri 

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