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Multiple vulnerabilities in Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Multiple vulnerabilities in Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- From: advisory@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:43:22 +0100 (CET)
Advisory ID: HTB23079
Product: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Vendor: Public Knowledge Project
Vulnerable Version(s): 2.3.6 and probably prior
Tested Version: 2.3.6
Vendor Notification: 29 February 2012
Vendor Patch: 16 March 2012
Public Disclosure: 21 March 2012
Vulnerability Type: Arbitrary File Manipulation, Arbitrary File Upload, XSS
CVE Reference(s): CVE-2012-1467, CVE-2012-1468, CVE-2012-1469
Solution Status: Fixed by Vendor
Risk Level: Critical
Credit: High-Tech Bridge SA Security Research Lab (
https://www.htbridge.com/advisory/ )
Advisory Details:
High-Tech Bridge SA Security Research Lab has discovered multiple
vulnerabilities in Open Journal Systems which can be exploited to manipulate
local files, upload arbitrary files and perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
1) Arbitrary File Manipulation in Open Journal Systems: CVE-2012-1467
1.1 Arbitrary File Deletion
Input passed via the "param" parameter to
"/lib/pkp/lib/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/scripts/rfiles.php" is
not properly validated before being used in unlink() function. This can be
exploited to delete arbitrary files via directory traversal sequences.
The vulnerability exists in "iBrowser" software component that is a built-in
part of OJS 2.3.6 by default.
The following PoC (Proof-of-Concept) code is available:
1.2 Arbitrary File Renaming
Input passed via the "param" parameter to
"/lib/pkp/lib/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/scripts/rfiles.php" is
not properly validated before being used in rename() function.
This can be exploited to rename and assign an arbitrary extension to files on
the vulnerable system via directory traversal sequences, that can lead to
arbitrary PHP code execution (if permitted by server configuration).
The vulnerability exists in "iBrowser" software component that is a built-in
part of OJS 2.3.6 by default.
This PoC will rename a previously uploaded ".jpg" file to ".php" file using the
null-byte technique:
File upload is available by default to registered users. Registration is also
enabled by default.
The second PoC will move "file_to_move" to "1x.jpg" in uploads directory via
directory traversal technique:
2) Arbitrary File Upload in Open Journal Systems: CVE-2012-1468
Open Journal Systems does not properly verify malicious file extensions before
upload, which may lead to arbitrary file upload and further arbitrary PHP code
execution (if permitted by server configuration). Upper-register file
extensions are not filtered (e.g. ".pHp"), as well as some potentially
malicious file extensions (e.g. ".asp", ".cgi", ".html").
The following PoC code demonstrates exploitation of the vulnerability:
Malicious registered user shall start a new Submission:
on the second step of the Submission:
the user should upload test.pHp, test.asp, test.cgi, test.php3 or test.html
file. The uploaded file will be available on the following URL:
The original file name will be changed, however it will be displayed to the
user after upload (for example "16-28-1-SM.pHp"). File extension will remain
the same.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires the attacker to be
registered and have "Author Role". Registration is enabled by default.
Registered user is allowed to assign "Author Role" to himself by default.
Upload directory should also be located inside of web root (by default).
3) Multiple XSS in Open Journal Systems: CVE-2012-1469
3.1 Input passed via the "editor" and "callback" parameters to
"/lib/pkp/lib/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/ibrowser.php" script
is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be
exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in user's browser session
in the context of the affected website.
The vulnerability exists in "iBrowser" software component that is a built-in
part of OJS 2.3.6 by default.
The following PoC codes are available:
3.2 Input passed via the "URL" parameter to "index.php" script is not properly
sanitised before being stored in the application's database. This lead to
stored XSS vulnerability.
The following PoC code demonstrates the vulnerability:
On the submissions page URL:
the attacker should add a malicious code to the "URL" field:
the XSS will be displayed here:
3.3 Method "String::stripUnsafeHtml()" in
"/lib/pkp/classes/core/String.inc.php" that is used to sanitise user-supplied
input does not sanitise user input properly. This lead to numerous stored XSSs
in scripts where this method is used.
The following PoC demonstrates vulnerability exploitation:
On the following URL:
the attacker should inject malicious scripting code to the "Bio Statement" or
"Abstract of Submission" fields:
<img src="x"/onerror=alert(document.cookie)>
or (browser specific):
<img style="width:expression(alert(document.cookie));"></a>
The stored XSS will be displayed here:
Successful exploitation of the 3.2 and 3.3 vulnerabilities requires the
attacker to be registered and have "Author Role". Registration is enabled by
default. Registered user is allowed to assign "Author Role" to himself by
Upgrade to OJS 2.3.7
More Information: http://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8431
[1] High-Tech Bridge Advisory HTB23079 -
https://www.htbridge.ch/advisory/HTB23079 - Multiple vulnerabilities in Open
Journal Systems (OJS).
[2] Open Journal Systems - http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs - Open Journal Systems
(OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by
the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and
improve access to research.
[3] Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) - http://cve.mitre.org/ -
international in scope and free for public use, CVE® is a dictionary of
publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this Advisory is provided "as is" and
without any warranty of any kind. Details of this Advisory may be updated in
order to provide as accurate information as possible. The latest version of the
Advisory is available on web page [1] in the References.