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Synology Photo Station 5 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

# Title    : Photo Station 5 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
# Author   : Simon Ganiere
# Vendor   : http://www.sinology.com
# Advisory : CVE-2012-1556
# Software : Photo Station 5 - DSM 3.2 (1955)
# Date     : 05/02/2012

30/01/2012 Issue Discovered
05/02/2012 Vendor Notified
06/03/2012 Vendor released DSM 4

Class: Cross-Site Scripting (Reflected)

Photo Station5 is prone to a reflected cross site scripting vulnerability

Technical Description:
Input passed via the 'name' parameter to page: /photo/photo_one.php pages is 
not properly verified, which allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary script 

Successful exploitation could allow remote attackers to execute malicious 
scripts and steal sensitive data.

Affected Software:
Photo Station 5, DSM 3.2 (1955)

Tested on:
Photo Station 5, DSM 3.2 (1955), Mac OS X 10.7.2/10.7.3, Firefox 9.0.1

Proof of Concept:

Generate an alert message in javascript with a text in it. The second name 
parameter is encoded using urlencode


Generate an alert message with the document.cookie in it. The second name 
parameter is encoded using urlencode.

Vendor URL:

Simon Ganiere