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Webcalendar 1.2.4 'location' XSS

# Exploit Title: Webcalendar 1.2.4 'location' XSS
# Date: 01/11/12
# Author: G13
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/webcalendar/?source=directory
# Version: 1.2.5
# Category: webapps (php)

##### Vulnerability #####

There is no sanitation on the input of the location variable. This allows malicious scripts to be added. This is a stored XSS

##### Vendor Notification #####

01/11/12 - Vendor Notified
01/19/12 - No response, disclosure

##### Affected Variables #####


##### Exploit #####

The script can be added right in the page, there is no filtering of input.