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Support Incident Tracker <= 3.65 (translate.php) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Support Incident Tracker <= 3.65 (translate.php) Remote Code Execution 

author...............: Egidio Romano aka EgiX
mail.................: n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com
software link........: http://sitracker.org/
affected versions....: from 3.45 to 3.65

[-] vulnerable code in /translate.php

234.        foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key)
235.        {
236.            if (!empty($_POST[$key]) AND substr($key, 0, 3) == "str")
237.            {
238.                if ($lastchar!='' AND substr($key, 3, 1) != $lastchar) 
$i18nfile .= "\n";
239.                $i18nfile .= "\${$key} = '".addslashes($_POST[$key])."';\n";
240.                $lastchar = substr($key, 3, 1);
241.                $translatedcount++;
242.            }
243.        }

Input passed via keys of $_POST array isn't properly sanitized before being 
stored into $i18nfile variable
at line 239, that variable will be the contents of a language file stored into 
'i18n' directory with a php
extension. This could allow authenticated users to inject and execute arbitrary 
PHP code. Furthermore,
access directly to /translate.php?mode=save will reveal the full installation 
path of the application.

[-] Disclosure timeline:

[13/11/2011] - Vulnerability discovered
[13/11/2011] - Issue reported to http://bugs.sitracker.org/view.php?id=1737
[13/11/2011] - Vendor replied that this issue is fixed in the current SVN trunk
[19/11/2011] - Public disclosure

[-] Proof of concept:
