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AppSec DC 2012 CFP is OPEN!


Building on the success of AppSec DC 2010 and 2009, OWASP is pleased
to announce the next OWASP AppSec DC conference.  The theme for this
year's conference is "OWASP - Not just webapps anymore" to reflect the
new and revised scope of OWASP to include all application security
issues instead of focusing just on web application security.

Owing to feedback from the past two years, and in alignment with the
overall OWASP Conference mission, the AppSec DC Planners have decided
to move the conference to April of 2012. This is in response to
requests from a variety of our sponsors and vendors, and de-conflicts
overlap in the OWASP conference schedule for North America.  OWASP
AppSec DC 2012 will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention
Center on April 2nd through April 5th.  Plenary sessions will be on
April 4th and 5th preceded by Application Security Training on April
2nd and 3rd.

In accordance with the broader OWASP mission stemming from the 2011
OWASP Global Summit, AppSec DC is working to reflect the move of OWASP
towards embracing all facets of Application Security, and not
restricting it's content to strictly to the realm of web applications.
Therefore we invite all practitioners of application security and
those who work with or interact with all facets of application
security to submit papers and participate in the conference.

The AppSec DC 2012 Content Committee is seeking presentations in the
following subject areas:

 - OWASP Projects
 - Research in Application Security Defense (Defense & Countermeasures)
 - Research in Application Security Offense (Vulnerabilities & Exploits)
 - Web Application Security
 - Critical Infrastructure Security
 - Mobile Security
 - Government Initiatives & Government Case Studies
 - Effective Case studies in Policy, Governance, Architecture or Life Cycle
 - and other application security topics

Submit papers to http://cfp.appsecdc.org.  Submission deadline is
January 15th 2012.  Inquires can be made to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Additional information can be found in the FAQ.  You will have to sign
up for an EasyChair account at

Conference Website: http://www.appsecdc.org
FAQ: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_AppSec_DC_2012_-_FAQ

Please forward to all interested practitioners and colleagues.


The AppSec DC Program Committee