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PR10-17 Various XSS and information disclosure flaws within KeyFax response management system
- To: <vuln@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: PR10-17 Various XSS and information disclosure flaws within KeyFax response management system
- From: research <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 17:22:13 +0100
PR10-17: Various XSS and information disclosure flaws within KeyFax
response management system
Vulnerability found: 25th August 2010
Vendor informed:
Vulnerability fixed:
Severity: Medium/High
KeyFax response management system provides professional management of
housing and other repairs; KeyFax is normally accessed using a web
browser over port 80. Various KeyFax pages are vulnerable to a
reflective XSS attacks. Other pages including the configuration file
disclose information including the operator and SQL account passwords.
Version dated 2003-2010
The following demonstrate the XSS flaws (no authentication needed):
1) Various pages are vulnerable to XSS (IE only)
An attacker may be able to cause execution of malicious scripting code
in the browser of a user who clicks on a link to a KeyFax response
management system based site. Such code would run within the security
context of the target domain. This type of attack can result in
non-persistent defacement of the target site, or the redirection of
confidential information (i.e.: session IDs) to unauthorised third parties.
The following demonstrate the Information disclosure flaws (no
authentication needed)
1) Account passwords can be remotely retrieved, by knowing the path of
the configuration file.
http://target-domain.foo/KFLauncher/KF_config.xml (this also contains
other username and password combinations like operator)
These contain the following information:-
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=omfax;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=keyfax;Initial Catalog=KF_target-domain_ROL_32;Data
2) Information about the web site is publically disclosed by the debug
And within verbose error pages
An attacker may be able to obtain additional information on the machines
configuration including user names and passwords, and use this
information to gain authenticated access.
Credits: Richard Brain of ProCheckUp Ltd (www.procheckup.com)
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