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CA ARCserve D2D r15 Web Service Apache Axis2 World Accessible Servlet Code Execution Vulnerability Poc

Computer Associates ARCserve D2D r15 Web Service Apache Axis2 World Accessible 
Code Execution Vulnerability Poc

product homepage:

The Tomcat Server, which listens for incoming connections on port 8014,
carries a world accessible Apache Axis2 Web Service with default credentials.
Also, the web service port is added to firewall exceptions, allowing all 
computers, including those on the internet, to access the default Axis2 

Check :
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve 

It shows: 
<parameter name="userName">admin</parameter>
<parameter name="password">axis2</parameter>

By uploading a well-constructed .aar (axis2 service) file
by accessing the 


url, then interrogating it trough a SOAP request, is possible to execute 
code with NT AUTHOTITY\SYSTEM privileges.

as attachment a proof-of-concept written in php which automates the process
and an .aar file which remotely executes calc.exe

this poc was sent to zdi vulnerability research program on 2010-07-03
together with pocs for the same vulnerability in:

- Hewlett Packard Universal CMDB Server 9.0 
- SAP BusinessObjects Crystal Reports Server 2008 

but refused with the motivation that they don't accept axis2 default credentials
Note that in HP Universal CMDB this is limited by the presence of a basic auth
box on axis2 web services. However there is also a default user/password for 
which is 'admin/admin'.

I remember that this was reported in SAP by HD Moore and the Metasploit crew.

However, here we are. And two of three are unpatched.

proof of concept:
