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New paper by Amit Klein (Trusteer): "Detecting virtualization over the web with IE9 (platform preview) and Semi-permanent computer fingerprinting and user tracking in IE9 (platform preview)"
- To: "bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: New paper by Amit Klein (Trusteer): "Detecting virtualization over the web with IE9 (platform preview) and Semi-permanent computer fingerprinting and user tracking in IE9 (platform preview)"
- From: Amit Klein <amit.klein@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 13:25:25 -0600
Hi list
The IE9 (platform preview) Javascript Math.random implementation is vulnerable
to seed reconstruction. The seed reveals the computer's boot time (and on
Windows 7 - also CPU clock speed). These can be used to finger-print computers
and track users within the same Windows session even if they close and open
their IE9 (platform preview) browser multiple times.
Interestingly enough, this technique also provides some information regarding
the client hardware (namely clock source and possibly CPU clock speed), and may
be used to detect virtualized machines "over the web".
Additionally, the Math.random implementation is flawed in such way that it
returns non-uniform values (this holds for IE9 beta as well).
For full details, please read:
Amit Klein, CTO, Trusteer