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[eVuln.com] Multiple XSS in MCG GuestBook

New eVuln Advisory:
Multiple XSS in MCG GuestBook
Summary: http://evuln.com/vulns/144/summary.html 
Details: http://evuln.com/vulns/144/description.html 

eVuln ID: EV0144
Software: MCG GuestBook
Vendor: Mrcgiguy
Version: 1.0
Critical Level: low
Type: Cross Site Scripting
Status: Unpatched. No reply from developer(s)
PoC: Available
Solution: Not available
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu ( http://evuln.com/ )
All vulnerabilities found in gb.cgi script. It doesn't have proper XSS 
sanitation filters.

XSS vulnerable parameters:

    * name
    * email
    * website
    * message

All these parameters are not sanitized. 
This can be used to insert any html or script code. 
Admin panel is vulnerable also
PoC code is available at:
Not available
Vulnerability discovered by Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu
http://evuln.com/tool/php-security.html - online php source analyzer.