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XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities in CMS WebManager-Pro

Hello Bugtraq!

I want to warn you about Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection vulnerabilities in CMS WebManager-Pro. It's Ukrainian commercial CMS.
Affected products:

Vulnerable are CMS WebManager-Pro v.7.4.3 (version from FGS_Studio) and previous versions.

XSS (WASC-08):


This vulnerability can be used together with MouseOverJacking (http://websecurity.com.ua/3814/).
SQL Injection (Authentication Bypass) (WASC-19):

At the page http://site/admin/ at turned off mq:

' or 1='1
In field Login.


2010.07.28 - announced at my site.
2010.07.29 - informed developers.
2010.10.30 - disclosed at my site.

I mentioned about these vulnerabilities at my site

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site