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MVSA-10-001 - Google Message Security SaaS - SQL Injection vulnerabilities

Security Advisory:      MVSA-10-001
Vendor:                 Google  
Service:                Google Message Security SaaS (powered by Postini) 
                                - Message Center II
Vulnerabilities:        SQL Injection
Risk:                   High    
Attack Vector:          From Remote     
Authentication:         Required
Reference:              http://www.ventuneac.net/security-advisories/MVSA-10-001

Message Center II service (build 6_24) was found vulnerable to SQL Injection 
attacks. When exploited by an attacker, the identified vulnerability could lead 
to Information Disclosure (map database structure, extract data from available 
tables), Denial of Service (consume server resources by injecting SQL heavy 
queries), etc.

An authenticated attacker without administrative privileges can inject 
arbitrary code into the SQL query built to generate the list of 
quarantined/deleted e-mails. This can be achieved by  manipulating  the 
sort_direction parameter of /junk_quarantine/process and /trash/process 

Test case: sort_direction='

POST https://mc-s200.postini.com/app/msgctr/junk_quarantine/process HTTP/1.1
Host: mc-s200.postini.com
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
Content-Length: 1351
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_submitted_junk_quarantine_form"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="range_menu"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sort_menu"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sort_direction"

Due to the unsafe inclusion of user provided content into the dynamically built 
SQ statement, the system returns an error  including details on the database 
engine used, error type, middleware settings, and SQL error stack trace. Such 
information allowed devising further SQL Injection test cases.

Affected Versions

Message Center II service of Google Message Security SaaS build 6_24 (January 

Google fixed the issue in Message Center II build 6_25 (February 2010).

Disclosure Timeline

2010, January 29: Vulnerability discovered and documented
2010, January 30: First notification sent to Google
2010, February 1: Second notification sent to Google
2010, February 2: Third notification sent to Google
2010, February 3: Google acknowledges the vulnerability
2010, February 22: Fix deployed in production (build 6_25)
2010, September 15: MVSA-10-001 advisory published


Dr. Marian Ventuneac