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ekoparty Security Conference 2010 Announcements

[ * ]  ekoparty Security Conference and Trainings - 6th edition [ * ]

 Trainings: September 13-15 / Conference: September 16-17, 2010
 Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

[*] WHAT?

ekoparty is a one-of-a-kind event in South America; an annual security
conference held in Buenos Aires where security specialists from all over
Latin America (and beyond) have the chance to get involved with
state-of-art techniques, vulnerabilities and tools in a relaxed environment
which has not been seen before.

The sixth edition of ekoparty is expected to bring together over 700
security specialists from around the world in the most deep-knowledge
technical conference of Latin America.

This is not just a completely technical conference, it also has a lot of
awesome activities like Lock picking village organized by TOOOL, Wardriving BA
CTF wargame, WiFi antenna build workshop, after hours and even a kick ass
after conference party!.

Like always this year we are going to offer simultaneous translation
of all the lectures, that way
you are not going to miss anything.

[*] Lectures

And the selection for ekoparty 2010 is:
(drum roll)

Chema Alonso - Pentesting Driven by FOCA
Cedric Blancher - Hacking, an activity of Public interest?
Nicolas Bareli - Sandboxing based on SECCOM for Linux kernel
Cesar Cerrudo - Token Kidnapping\'s Revenge
Cesar Cerrudo History 0days, Disclosing y otras yerbas
Claudio Criscione - Virtually Pwned: Pentesting VMware
Giovanni Cruz  - Atacking VoIP…a paradise!
Nicolas Economou - 2x1 Microsoft Bugs: 'Virtual PC hyper-hole-visor' +
'Windows Creation Vulnerability (MS10-048)'
Gary Golomb - Network-based detection of PE structural anomalies and
linker characteristics
Michael Hudson - Wrong Way, the true story of a Black Hat
Barnaby Jack - Jackpotting Automated Teller Machines
Leando Meiners & Diego Sor - WPA Migration Mode: WEP is back to haunt you...
Eric Monti - iPhone Rootkit? There's an App for That!
Mariano Nuñez Di Croce - SAP Backdoors: A ghost at the heart of your business
Hernan Ochoa - Understanding the Win SMB NTLM Weak Nonce Vulnerability
Hernan Ochoa -Transferring files on isolated remote desktop environments
Deviant Ollam - Distinguishing Lockpicks: Raking vs Lifting vs Jiggling and More
Alfredo Ortega & Oren Isacson - Exploiting Digital Cameras
Andres Riancho - Lucas Apa Web Application Security Payloads
Juliano Rizzo & Thai Duong - Padding Oracles Everywhere
Pablo Sole - Hanging on a ROPe
Roelf Temmingh Your life online: No more secrets Marty
Chris Valasek - Understanding the Low Fragmentation Heap: From
Allocation to Exploitation

We want to thank all the submitters and the submission reviewers who
helped and gave us their feedback, this group
was formed by the following people:

* Cesar Cerrudo (Argeniss)
* Sebastian "topo" Muñiz (Independent Security Researcher)
* Gera Richarte (CORE)
* Juliano Rizzo (Netifera)
* Nicolas Waisman (Immunity)


The most advanced trainings in Latin America:

Opensource Intelligence Gathering For Pentesting - Chema Alonso (Infomatica64)
Using Network Forensics for Incident Response and Malware Analysis -
Gabe Martinez & Ray Carney (Netwitness)
Python for hackers, by Sebastián Fernandez y Matías Soler (Immunity)
Breaking Windows, by Agustín Gianni y Franco Riccobaldi (Immunity)
Lock picking & Physical Security - from novice to master in two days,
by Deviant Ollam (TOOOL)
SAP Security In-Depth, by Mariano Nuñez di Croce (Onapsis)
Web Testing & Exploiting Workshop, by Andrés Riancho & Nahuel Grisolía (Bonsai)
Cracking WIFI for real by Cedric Blancher (EADS)
Hacking y Seguridad en VOIP by Giovanni Cruz Forero (BASE4)
Modern Malware Reverse Engineering by Joan Calvet (ESET)
Introduction to Cracking y Anti-Cracking by Ariel Coronel, Ricardo
Narvaja & Nahuel Riva (CORE)

For more detailed information: http://www.ekoparty.org/eng/trainings.php

[*] Register Now!

You can sign up for the 6th edition of ekoparty at
Remember that early registered assistants have a BIG discount on the price!

If you are coming from outside Buenos Aires we can assist you in all we can
for making your travel easier (i.e. find a hotel).
Don't hesitate in contacting us at organizacion [ AT ] ekoparty.org
We hope to see you in this year edition :)

[*] WHEN?

September 8 End of Early Bird Ticket Price
September 13-15 - ekoparty Trainings
September 16-17 - ekoparty Conference


Website      http://www.ekoparty.org
Blog            http://blog.ekoparty.org
Twitter        http://twitter.com/ekoparty

Best regards,
ekoparty security conference staff