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GR Board v1.8.6. (theme) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

GR Board v1.8.6. (theme) Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

0     _                   __           __       __                     1
1   /' \            __  /'__`\        /\ \__  /'__`\                   0
0  /\_, \    ___   /\_\/\_\ \ \    ___\ \ ,_\/\ \/\ \  _ ___           1
1  \/_/\ \ /' _ `\ \/\ \/_/_\_<_  /'___\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\`'__\          0
0     \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \/           1
1      \ \_\ \_\ \_\_\ \ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \____/\ \_\           0
0       \/_/\/_/\/_/\ \_\ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/___/  \/_/           1
1                  \ \____/ >> Exploit database separated by exploit   0
0                   \/___/          type (local, remote, DoS, etc.)    1
1                                                                      1
0  [+] Site            : Inj3ct0r.com                                  0
1  [+] Support e-mail  : submit[at]inj3ct0r.com                        1
0                                                                      0
1                    ########################################          1
0                    I'm eidelweiss member from Inj3ct0r Team          1
1                    ########################################          0

download:       http://sirini.net/grboard/board.php?id=grskin&articleNo=82
Author:         eidelweiss
Contact:        g1xsystem[at]windowslive.com



GRBoard (VERSION 1.8 )is bulletin board system of Korea.
It is freely available for all platforms that supports PHP and MySQL.
But I find Remote File Inclusion vulnerability.


        --=[ Vuln C0de ]=-

[-] path/page.php


// ????? ??? ?? ???
$getConfigList = array('theme', 'title', 'logo', 'useOutlogin', 'outlogin', 
'usePoll', 'poll'); // <= 1
$countList = count($getConfigList);     // <= 2
for($i=0; $i<$countList; $i++) $config[$getConfigList[$i]] = 
$content = @mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('select var from 
'.$dbFIX.'layout_config where opt = \'page\' and var like 
\''.$_GET['id'].'|%\''));  // <= 3
$content = str_replace($_GET['id'].'|', '', $content['var']);
$path = 'layout/'.$config['theme'];
include 'layout/'.$config['theme'].'/head.page.php';    // 
<div id="mainFrame"><?php echo $content; ?></div>

<div class="clear"></div>
include 'layout/'.$config['theme'].'/foot.page.php';    // 



        -=[ P0C ]=- [LFI]%00

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