Dear John Smith,
Actually, browser DoS may be quite serious vulnerability, depending on
nature of DoS. Think about e.g. banner or content exchange network,
social networks, web boards, etc where browser vulnerability may be
used against site or page because it will harm any visitors of this
site or page.
In case of this very vulnerability, most serious impact may be from
e-mail vector.
--Friday, May 28, 2010, 7:07:50 PM, you wrote to
JS> Just a few cents - DoS in webbrowsers doesn't fall under the category
JS> "vulnerabilities" rather more of "annoyances". Although I don't deny
JS> fact that certain DoS attacks *may lead* or *may serve as hints* to
JS> more serious exploits, but that's a different topic and with ASLR in
JS> scene, a very grey area of discussion.
Skype: Vladimir.Dubrovin
Стреляя во второй раз, он искалечил постороннего. Посторонним был я.