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Apple Airport Wireless Products: Promiscuous FTP PORT Allowed in FTP Proxy Provides Security Bypass

The FTP proxy used in Apple's Airport Express, Airport Extreme, Time Capsule 
and possibly elsewhere doesn't check the client provided address and port given 
by the FTP PORT command against the IP address of the connecting client, or 
against the use of privileged ports.  (The FTP PORT command is used by a FTP 
client to tell an FTP  server which address and data port to initiate the data 
connection on.)  The FTP proxy is used to provide assistance to clients 
operating in NAT environments served by the Apple products.  FTP servers 
running behind a NAT with this assistance can have addresses in the command 
channel rewritten for them so that external clients can reach them when 
operating in passive mode.  The ALG operates as a proxy server, assuming 
responsibility for connections to the FTP server, and must therefore also 
handle and modify rewriting of the PORT command.  It looks like it might be 
ftp-proxy from PF.

The effect of this problem is to allow anybody with access to the FTP port 
forwarded on the exterior side of an Apple Airport product that offers NAT to 
internal clients, which for a publicly-accessible FTP server is the big bad 
world, to induce an FTP server operating behind a NAT to send data to arbitrary 
addresses and ports.  This is true even if the FTP server is configured to 
operate more securely, since it sees connections from the NAT's exterior 
interface, not the connecting client.  This is useful for bouncing anonymous 
port scans off the victim NAT, or if data is available or can be written to and 
then read from the FTP server, potentially for anonymous attacks, spam, news 
floods, and other such badness.  Any trust relationship and/or security implied 
or assumed by a NAT is also gone, since the PORT command can also specify 
private addresses, inside the NAT, for victimisation.  Best of all, the gateway 
itself makes no log entry concerning FTP connections that have been run through 
the proxy.

Workarounds: do not use FTP; do not trigger the use of the ALG (FTP proxy) by 
explicitly using ports other than 21 on the inbound port mapping.  If you can't 
do those things, you can avoid the worst effects of this attack by disabling 
FTP uploads that can later be downloaded by anonymous users.

Apple likes to keep secrets for the protection of its customers.  Since the 
reasonable release of this advisory removes that protection, confidential 
information vouchsafed to me can be safely disclosed with no ill effects.  
Apple has a fix, and according to its last seemingly automatic template 
message, they are still testing it and do not know precisely when it will be 
released.  This is confidential information.  DO NOT DISCLOSE!

Advisory history:

Apple were notified on 4 Dec 2009, and responded promptly.  They were given 60 
days initially.

Apple contacted me on 7 January 2010 to ask who to give credit to.  Personal 

On 18 Jan I contacted Apple, advising that they'd passed the six weeks 

On 25 January I contacted Apple, advising that they'd passed the 7 weeks 
milestone.  They volunteered confidential information.

On 4 Feb, I urged Apple to tell me when a fix was to be issued, approximately.  
They'd had their two months, and release cycles happen, but I wanted news 
within a fortnight.  Didn't they understand that their customers were at easy 
risk, and that keeping it quiet didn't change that?  By today - that is, by 
about 3 months - they would certainly be beyond reconciliation.  They 
volunteered confidential information.

On 4 March, I got bored of waiting, and made this announcement.  The fix is not 
out; apply workarounds, or trust to the fates and the security of your network.


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