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Rooted CON 2010 - CFP

                      - Rooted CON 2010 -
                 C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

.: [ ABOUT ]

  Rooted CON is a Security Congress to be held in Madrid (Spain) on
March 2010. Our goal is to promote security by offering highly technical
talks with a practical approach (interesant mix of theory / demos) and
neutrality (although we want businesses/enterprises to participate in the
congress, they should prioritize the technical and objective approach).

  We also want people to participate and enjoy... And even come back home
with a prize! Therefore, we will hold various events (apart from talks),
one of the most important of them being the CTF ("Capture the flag")
contest, with substantial cash prizes and been designed by none other
than one of the "Sexy Pandas" (finalist team in the traditional "Defcon"

  And of course if you are brave enough you will also have fun by living
the beautiful nights of Madrid...

.: [ FORMAT ]

  We would like to receive two kind of proposals:
- fast talks. Duration: 20'.
- normal talks. Duration: 50'.

  If you have a crazy/interesting and fresh idea that could be summarized
in fewer time, please don't hesitate and submit a fast talk. If your idea
is even crazier and need more time to be explained in depth, use the
second one: normal talk.

  We are only accepting submissions in Spanish and English language. We
will do our best to have simultaneous translation in the conference room
but we cannot promise it since it will depend on budget and sponsors.

.: [ TOPICS ]

  Every hot topic in the security market is welcome. These are only some

- innovative defensive and offensive techniques.
- everything related to fraud, phishing, trojan horses in financial
entities, protection mechanisms and technologies...
- "reversing", low-level techniques, kernel, ...
- vulnerabilities discovery, "fuzzing" and related topics.
- virtual contexts attacks, clusters, "cloud computing" and new "in the
cloud" products.
- cryptography and cryptanalysis.
- mobile security.
- hacking tools: custom developments.
- document security.
- VoIP, phreaking, ...
- forensics / antiforensics.
- wireless security.
- steganography and covert channels.
- web applications security
- ...


  Would you like to speak at Rooted CON? Please, don't forget to make
talks illustrative and include demos! :)

  Please, send your application via e-mail to:
cfp -AT- rootedcon.es

  For the talk to be accepted in the initial selection process it should
comply with the previously described format and *must* include *all* the
following info:

- title
- author (full name and optionally nick/handle)
- bio (some lines defining who you are)
- duration (normal or fast talk?)
- abstract (should be sufficiently extensive for being correctly
- location/nationality
- facilities needed
- do you plan to present same or similar talk in another conference?
Which one?


October 1, 2009 - CFP opens.
December 20, 2009 - CFP closes.
December 31, 2009 - Speakers selected.
January 10, 2010 - Final paper and presentation material submitted.


  Speakers will be given the following benefits:
- Free accommodation.
- Free access to the conference.
- Travel expenses (if possible).
- Free party tickets/drinks.


  There are still opportunities to help us in organizing the best security
congress in Spain while obtaining an interesting marketing ROI. If you are
interested in being one of our sponsors, please, contact us at:

sponsors -AT- rootedcon.es

.: [ LINKS ]

- Web site
- Facebook group
- LinkedIn group
- Announce mailing-list


Rooted CON staff